Gwalior bungalow not vacated, Rs 6.60 lakh will be recovered from Morena Zila Panchayat CEO Ichhit Gadpale
The government will collect the housing rent from the desired Garhpale.
Gwalior PWD EE wrote a letter to Morena Collector. In this he asked the CEO of the District Panchayat to recover the amount. The fine was fixed at the rate of thirty thousand rupees per month.
Naiduniya representative, Morena. District Panchayat CEO Dr. Ichhit Gadpale was the Additional Collector of Gwalior before Morena. He has not vacated the bungalow allotted to him in Gwalior even after 22 months, so the Gwalior PWD department has issued a recovery notice of Rs. 6 lakh 60 thousand from him. Gwalior Public Works Department (PWD) Executive Engineer Omhari Sharma has written a letter to Morena Collector Ankit Asthana.
It is said in this letter, Dr. Ichhit Gadpale was relieved from Gwalior for Morena on 02 November 2022, but he has not yet vacated Bungalow No. 31 located on Gwalior RC Road.
This bungalow is still occupied by Zila Panchayat CEO Dr. Gadhpale, therefore, as per the government rules, a fine of Rs 6.60 lakh has been imposed on him in lieu of the bungalow rent at the rate of Rs 30,000 per month.
Gwalior PWD EE in his letter has also requested Morena Collector Asthana to ask Dr. Gadpale to vacate the bungalow in Gwalior and recover Rs 6.60 lakh and provide a copy of its voucher to the said office.