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Paddy rising quick for customized milling

1 min read

As per the directions of Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel, quick lifting of paddy for customized milling is happening. Till March 2, 86.95 lakh metric tonnes of paddy has been lifted within the state. Work can also be being achieved expeditiously within the matter of depositing rice within the Central Pool by Chhattisgarh. So far 24.99 lakh metric tonnes of rice has been deposited within the central pool. These embrace 13.70 lakh metric tonnes of rice within the Food Corporation of India and 11.29 lakh metric tonnes within the Civil Supplies Corporation.
Food Secretary Mr. Topeshwar Verma knowledgeable that this 12 months on the initiative of the Chief Minister, together with the acquisition of paddy, quick lifting of paddy for customized milling is being achieved. So far a document 86.95 lakh metric tonnes of paddy has been lifted via DO and TO. Mr. Verma knowledgeable that DO of 70 lakh 90 thousand metric tonnes of paddy has been issued. Millers have lifted 64 lakh 95 thousand metric paddy from the procurement facilities. Similarly, for the transportation of 23 lakh 15 thousand metric tonnes of paddy, T.O. has been issued. Against which 22 lakh metric tonnes of paddy has been lifted from the committees. Paddy off-take and customized milling from paddy procurement facilities can also be occurring on a warfare footing. This 12 months the goal is to deposit 61.65 lakh metric tonnes of Arva rice within the central pool.

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