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Minister Dr. Tekam inspected Dandkarva Gauthan praised ladies for livelihood actions

1 min read

School Education Minister Dr. Premsai Singh Tekam at present inspected Dandkarva Gauthan of Pratappur block of Surajpur district. Dr. Tekam noticed the assorted works being accomplished to earn livelihood in Gauthan. He inquired about varied actions being carried out by ladies for livelihood and praised ladies for these actions for financial progress.
Minister Dr. Tekam inquired in regards to the goat, poultry and barn growth being accomplished by the ladies of Saraswati Mahila Self Help Group and praised the work being accomplished by ladies for financial progress. He requested to develop Gothan as a really perfect Gothan by making it the middle of livelihood of rural ladies. The minister inspired ladies of self-help teams to supply button mushrooms. The ladies of the self-help group mentioned that they’ve earned a revenue of Rs 15,000 from goat rearing and Rs 27,000 from poultry.
Dr. Tekam together with the villagers in Dandkarva Gauthan inquired about buy of cow dung and vermicompost beneath the Godhan Nyaya Yojana. He additionally noticed vermi stitches. The ladies of the self-help group instructed that an revenue of Rs 37 thousand has been obtained.

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