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CG Assembly Speaker Charandas Mahant despatched a letter to all of the MLAs to get the vaccine

1 min read

Chhattisgarh Legislative Assembly Speaker Charandas Mahant has despatched a letter to all of the MLAs to make Kovid vaccination obligatory earlier than the monsoon session of Chhattisgarh Legislative Assembly. The monsoon of Chhattisgarh Legislative Assembly has been referred to as from July 26 to July 30. There can be a complete of 5 sittings on this session.

In the letter despatched to all of the MLAs, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, Charandas Mahant has talked about that like within the earlier periods, all crucial preparations have been ensured within the meeting corridor and the meeting premises to forestall the an infection of corona epidemic.

In view of the opportunity of a 3rd wave of corona, the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly has described vaccination as a strong medium together with following the prescribed pointers to forestall the epidemic. He urged all of the MLAs to get the primary dose of vaccination early and who’ve already obtained the primary dose earlier than the monsoon session of July, 2021. He has been requested to manage the second dose.