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BJP chief Upasna booked for assault on contractor

2 min read

By Express News Service
BHUBANESWAR: BJP chief Upasna Mohapatra was booked together with 19 others together with a PCR van in-charge on costs of assaulting a tenant in IRC Village on Wednesday.While 17 individuals have been arrested, Upasna and her husband Subhranshu Biswal are but to be traced by police. Those arrested embrace the home proprietor Bijay Kumar Nayak and his spouse Sanjukta.

Upasna, daughter of late Congress chief Lalatendu Bidyadhar Mohapatra, together with 30 to 40 individuals allegedly attacked the tenant Pranab Ray and ransacked the home on Tuesday night time, police stated. Ray has alleged that the attackers looted over Rs 60,000 and different valuables. They have additionally been accused of damaging the CCTVs put in in the home and fleeing with the arduous disk. 

Bhubaneswar DCP Umashankar Dash stated the complainant alleged that Upasna and her associates barged into the home underneath Nayapalli police limits, manhandled him, stole money and valuables, and requested him to vacate the property.What was, nevertheless, embarrassing for Bhubaneswar police is {that a} PCR van-in-charge, despatched to the spot, was current and watched the entire incident play out. 

Modern management room knowledgeable the PCR automobile and its in-charge Sangram Keshari Mohanty reached the spot. He stayed there for about three hours however didn’t apprise Nayapalli police station of the matter. He even submitted a compromise letter on the police station which the sufferer had written underneath coercion from the accused and so they had deliberate to submit it within the civil court docket the place the sufferer had filed a case, stated a police officer.

When the scenario deteriorated, Bhubaneswar DCP and different officers rushed to the spot. Police registered a case underneath Sections 120B, 395 and 450 of IPC on Wednesday and arrested 17 individuals together with PCR-18 in-charge lance naik Mohanty.  Complainant Ray stated, he was staying in Bijay’s home since December 2016 and had reportedly invested Rs 60 lakh in direction of renovation. “Bijay wanted to sell off the house and I had expressed interest in the property. He quoted a Rs 2.5 crore price and I wanted a couple of months time to arrange the money,” the complainant, a contractor, advised TNIE. 

However, Bijay had apparently offered the home to Subhranshu. Following this, the sufferer filed a case in a civil court docket. Upasna, however, wished Ray to vacate the home on the earliest.Sagar Ray, a builder who was arrested by Central Bureau of Investigation in 2014 for his alleged hyperlinks with the Artha Tatwa Group, has additionally been booked within the case for reportedly sending goons to accompany Upasna.