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Apollo Hospitals Bhubaneswar begins antibody cocktail remedy

2 min read

Express News Service
BHUBANESWAR: Apollo Hospitals in Bhubaneswar started the monoclonal antibody cocktail remedy on a Covid affected person on Monday.

The Central Drugs Standards Control Organization (CDSCO) has permitted the emergency use of the Covid monoclonal antibody cocktail.

Sources mentioned the 82-year-old man from Bhubaneswar with comorbidities was administered the antibody cocktail (Casirivimab and Imdevimab) on Monday. The affected person was admitted to the hospital on May 29 three days after he examined constructive for the virus.

The determination to manage the antibody cocktail was taken by a board of docs led by Director (Medical Services) of Apollo Hospitals Dr Ashish Chandra.

Consultant doctor Dr Paresh Jena mentioned the affected person tolerated the medicine and his situation is bettering. “The patient with comorbidities, including heart disease and old brain stroke, was admitted on day 5 of the Covid symptoms. The Covid monoclonal antibodies were given on day 6. We are the first hospital in the State to begin the combination medication,” he mentioned.

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The antibody cocktail has been beneficial for the therapy of gentle to average Covid-19 in adults and paediatric sufferers of 12 years or older, weighing at the least 40 kg and who’re at excessive threat of growing extreme illness and don’t require oxygen.

The benefit of the cocktail to be administered as soon as, Dr Jena mentioned, is that it may be used on comorbid sufferers with coronary heart and renal illnesses, most cancers and different such sicknesses.

“It will prevent the condition of the high-risk patients from worsening further by reducing the risk of progressing to severe disease and fatality by 70 per cent besides shortening the duration of symptoms by four days,” he mentioned.

With well being specialists advocating for rational use of the Covid-19 monoclonal antibody cocktail, the docs on the hospital are optimistic that the provision of antibody cocktail may help in minimising illness severity, and play a key position in therapy of excessive threat sufferers earlier than their situation worsens. It is, nonetheless, not beneficial for sufferers who’ve average or extreme illness with hypoxia.

“We hope the cocktail antibody will benefit more comorbid patients with mild symptoms on whom Covid treatment gets delayed due to their other serious comorbid conditions. We are looking forward to patients taking advantage of the treatment,” mentioned senior public relations officer Rakesh Ray.