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ICC Board Meet: BCCI opposes ICC’s EOI coverage for international meets

2 min read

The Indian cricket board has expressed its reservations about ICC’s coverage of inviting bidders (Expression of Interest) for internet hosting international tournaments in the course of the subsequent eight yr cycle between 2023-2031.
During an ICC board assembly on Thursday, the BCCI made it clear that they’re fully in opposition to the thought of the worldwide physique issuing EOI and demanding cash from any potential internet hosting nation.
“The BCCI brass has made their displeasure clear about this EOI concept for the next cycle during yesterday’s board meet,” a senior BCCI official aware of the event, stated.
“In fact, we are confident of getting good support from England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) and Cricket Australia (CA).”
The Expression of Interest idea has blessings of ICC Chief Executive Manu Sawhney who had the assist of boards like Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
“Even some of the smaller boards like Oman and Emirates Cricket board along with Malaysia and Singapore are among those who have submitted combined EOI for hosting global meets,” the supply stated.
It is believed that there was round 93 Expressions of Interest for 28 flagship occasions (males, girls and U19) in the course of the 2023-31 cycle however this push to demand cash for awarding internet hosting rights have met a roadblock from world’s richest board which in precept is in opposition to such a coverage.
It can be learnt that until now among the influential boards will not be prepared with ICC’s plan to have one flagship occasion in every of the eight years in the course of the subsequent cycle.