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‘Protestor’ writes to PM Modi’s mom Hiraben to get farm legal guidelines revoked

3 min read

The anti-farm legislation protestors have intensified their agitation and political techniques to pressure the Union authorities to revoke the historic farm legal guidelines. In a weird improvement, one such protestor, named Harpreet Singh, wrote a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s mom Hiraben Modi within the hopes of getting the farm legal guidelines scrapped.
As per the copy of the letter accessed by Times of India, Singh wrote, “I am writing this with a heavy heart. You must be knowing that farmers, protesting against two black laws, are forced to sleep on the streets of Delhi in this cold winter. Several protestors are aged between 90 and 95. Many have fallen sick. Some have also died due to the cold weather. This is a matter of concern.”
Harpreet Singh, who hails from Ferozepur district of Punjab, alleged that farmers have been pressured to launch a peaceable agitation after the federal government supposedly handed the three farm legal guidelines on the behest of Adani, Ambani group and different corporates. He added, “The farmers are unhappy and disappointed because of these laws and are concerned about their children. The farmers of the country do not want any amendments in these laws but want to get them repealed.”
Screengrab of the letter through The instances of IndiaProtestor complains about ‘media labels’, makes emotional attraction
Furthermore, he stated that the so-called farmers, protesting in opposition to the farm legal guidelines, haven’t solely produced crops in massive portions when India was going by a interval of meals disaster but in addition fed the hungry stomachs of the folks throughout the globe. “Today, when they are making a demand for their rights, it must be fulfilled. Amidst the protest, the produce is getting destroyed. Farmers and their family members are waiting (for a solution),” he added.
Harpreet Singh alleged that it’s a nationwide agitation of farmers and that the protestors are being wrongly portrayed as ‘terrorists’, ‘Khalistanis’ and members of ‘Tukde Tukde gang’ by the media. He claimed that farmers throughout India have joined the ‘mass movement’ to do away with the farm legal guidelines and haven’t been misled by anybody. To increase his attraction, the anti-farm legislation protestor stated that Punjab has produced over 90% of freedom fighters however didn’t demand something in return.
PM Modi won’t refuse you, claims protestor in his letter
Singh concluded, “I am writing this letter with a lot of hope. Your son Narendra Modi is the Prime Minister of the country, he can withdraw the farm laws that he has passed. I feel, a person can refuse anyone except his mother because in our country the mother is considered a god. Your son, PM Modi will never refuse your request. I’m hopeful that your son will listen to you and repeal these black laws. The entire country will thank you. A mother can order his son by pulling his ear. If these three laws are scrapped, then it would be victory for the entire country and nobody will be defeated.”
Harpreet Singh has been protesting in opposition to the farm legal guidelines since September final yr. He, together with two others, specifically, Karandeep Sandhu and Gurpreet Singh, was arrested below Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) Sections 107, 151 for organising a protest with out permission on the Ridge in Shimla. He was launched on bail the next day.