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Meet the hinduphobic ex-IAS officer serving to Congress ‘ace’ Karnataka polls

4 min read

During the Karnataka Vidhan Sabha elections campaigning, former Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer Sasikanth Senthil has been fundamental the Congress advertising and marketing marketing campaign throughout the State from the social gathering’s devoted battle room (moreover referred to as the be a part of centre).

Sasikanth Senthil served as a result of the Deputy Commissioner of Dakshina Kannada district between 2017 and 2019. He had left paperwork in September 2019 beneath the pretext of saving the ‘fundamental building blocks of the nation’ from being destroyed.

A 12 months later, he made his intentions clear by changing into a member of the Tamil Nadu unit of the Congress social gathering. He later labored as a result of the coordinator for the social media wing of the Tamil Nadu Congress Committee. Sasikanth Senthil has now been tasked to verify the victory of the grand earlier social gathering in Karnataka.

Screengrab of the Sasikanth Senthil

In a tweet on Wednesday (May 3), Sasikanth Senthil talked about, “Six months of hard work will certainly yield results on the 10th. The Congress War room aka ‘Connect centre’ was beginning in sharp election management in the party.”

While speaking to India Today, he claimed, “I have seen how politics worked in coastal Karnataka…I felt the country was going in a different direction and something needs to be done about it.”

Sasikanth Senthil talked about that his resignation was in protest in opposition to the humanitarian CAA, abrogation of Article 370, which totally built-in Jammu and Kashmir into the Union of India and the NRC (essential for identification of illegal immigrants staying in India).

“If there is one party whose ideology is that of the idea of India, then, that party is Congress,” he launched. Given his ideological inclination, it comes as no shock that he had fear mongered regarding the NRC and CAA earlier to changing into a member of the grand-old social gathering.

Opindia had reported how Sasikanth Senthil claimed in January 2020 that Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah had been collaborating in with people’s emotions. “After the implementation of CAA and NRC the nation is observing an emergency-like situation,” he had talked about.

“CAA has affected the Muslim community today and will affect the Dalits and the backward classes in the future,” Sasikanth Senthil efficiently contributed to the hysteria in opposition to the humanitarian Citizenship Amendment Act.

Peddling victimhood and hysteria for vote monetary establishment politics

Sasikanth Senthil is successfully accustomed to the methods employed by Congress to appease the Muslim group. In March this 12 months, he cried foul over the Karnataka authorities’s dedication to scrap 4% Muslim reservation in jobs and admissions in educational institutions in Karnataka.

Even though the quota for the Lingayats and Vokkaligas was elevated, the ex-IAS officer claimed, “I am sure the Dalits and OBCs are next in line. Its just a matter of time.”

Strongly condemn the elimination of 4% reservation for the #Muslims in Karnataka.
This is an election gimmick and had been achieved to communally divide votes as a part of the 80/20 politics.
I’m sure the #Dalits and #OBCs are subsequent in line. Its solely a matter of time.

— Sasikanth Senthil (@s_kanth) March 24, 2023

Earlier, he had tried to solid aspersions on the Assam authorities’s intention to crackdown on teen marriages.

While registering his opposition to the prepare, Senthil talked about, “In their desperate attempts to run a narrative against Muslims, the BJP continues to harass the large chunk of poor Hindus. This is a classic example.”

Screengrab of the tweet by Sasikanth Senthil

It, subsequently, comes as no shock that the particular person behind the ‘Congress war room’ throughout the State can be in assist of non-essential non secular garments akin to hijab in educational institutions with uniforms.

On March 15, 2022, the Karnataka High Court held that Hijab should not be an essential apply in Islam and that uniform is an reasonably priced restriction on the Right to Religion. Following the choice, liberals and Islamists took to Twitter to solid aspersions on the independence of the Judiciary.

Sasikanth Senthil joined them and claimed, “The hijab judgement is yet another disappointment from the higher judiciary which has somehow lost the idea of what this country is all about.”

The hijab judgement is but yet one more disappointment from the higher judiciary which has someway misplaced the considered what this nation is all about.

— Sasikanth Senthil (@s_kanth) March 15, 2022

He moreover tried to legitimise the considered ‘Muslim veto’ and steered that any administrative change in a Muslim-dominated area akin to Lakshwadeep is akin to ‘needling communal tensions.’

Screengrab of the tweet by Sasikanth Senthil
Sasikanth Senthil makes Hinduphobic jibes

Besides minority appeasement, the ex-IAS officer has been on the helm of setting up distasteful remarks in opposition to the Hindu group.

Despite being successfully aware that ‘gau mutra’ jibes had been made by Pulwama terrorist Adil Ahmed Dar earlier to the suicide assault, Senthil used them to mock the sentiments of the Hindus.

Following the resignation of Pratap Bhanu Mehta from Ashoka University, he claimed that the Professor would get changed by any person who ‘understands Bharat Mata and gaumutra.’

Screengrab of the tweet by Sasikanth Senthil

He had made associated distasteful suggestions by the Coronavirus pandemic.

Screengrab of the tweet by Sasikanth Senthil

Sasikanth Senthil has moreover tried to discredit ‘love jihad’ as a conspiracy thought, no matter 100s of documented cases of pressured conversion and id fraud.

Screengrab of the tweet by Sasikanth Senthil

The ex-IAS officer, who’s hoping to make Congress win in Karnataka, has been a frontrunner in anti-Hindu rhetorics and Muslim appeasement.

This turns into evident from his speech in January 2020. “Even after a thousand years, Hindu nation will not become a reality. Indians will not remain quiet if politicians meddle with the constitution,” he had talked about.

With Congress now vowing to ban Bajrang Dal in its election manifesto, the nefarious intentions of the grand-old social gathering and their advisors have gotten even clearer.