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Mamata Banerjee’s final ditch try to avoid wasting her fortunes takes a dramatic flip and eyewitnesses and netizens name out her antics

4 min read

The mainstream media is instantly up on its toes, highlighting how West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee might have been a sufferer of a pre-planned political act of violence, perpetrated towards her by the principal opposition pressure which has emerged in Bengal of late. While BJP employees proceed to be indiscriminately killed within the poll-bound state even because the law-and-order equipment chooses to show a blind eye to such acts of political violence, Mamata Banerjee being barely injured as a result of a mere accident is became nationwide information which should shake the conscience of all Indians.West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee alleged on Wednesday that she was attacked by “four-five men” who manhandled her throughout the election marketing campaign in Nandigram, due to which she was injured within the left leg. India Today reported the incident to have occurred round 6.15 pm when Mamata Banerjee was about to go away the Birulia space close to Reyapara after praying at an area temple. She alleged that she was pushed by four-five males whereas she was attempting to get into the automobile, following which she fell flat on her face.Many imagine that the TMC’s hyperventilation stems from their desperation to venture themselves because the victims in Bengal, being hounded for standing as much as the BJP’s unprecedented offensive within the poll-bound state. West Bengal loves drama, however Mamata Banerjee appears to have miscalculated her luck this time round. Close to no person is impressed together with her antics, and a sympathy wave in her favour is way from distant.Bystanders and eyewitnesses, nevertheless, have junked theories of the incident having something to do with politics. They insist that the mishap was an accident, which might have occurred with anybody. A pupil Suman Maity informed information company ANI, “A crowd had gathered to see the CM. When she was leaving, she fell down and got injured on her neck and leg. She was not pushed; people were only gathering to see her. The car was moving quite slowly.”#WATCH Eyewitness, a pupil provides an account of incident that occurred in Nandigram which CM Banerjee says was an assault on herEyewitness Suman Maity: “When CM came here,public gathered around her,at the time she got hurt in her neck& leg, not pushed,car was moving slowly”— ANI (@ANI) March 10, 2021Another eyewitness Chitranjan Das informed ANI, “I saw what happened. Mamata Banerjee came back from visiting temples and she was sitting in her car with the door open. There was a hoarding in front of the car which fell down on the door and hit Mamata Banerjee on her neck and knee. She was not hit or pushed.”#WATCH Eyewitness Chitranjan Das who was current at Nandigram’s Birulia the place WB CM suffered damage says, “I was there, she (CM) was sitting inside her car but the door was open. The door closed after it touched a poster. Nobody pushed or hit…there was no one near the door.”— ANI (@ANI) March 10, 2021Mamata Banerjee had earlier stated, regardless of allegedly being in grave ache, “Not even one Police officer was present. 4-5 people intentionally manhandled me in presence of the public. No local cops were present during the program, not even the SP. It was definitely a conspiracy. There were no police officials for 4-5 hours in such huge public gathering.”The BJP, in the meantime, has termed all the incident as staged, whilst Mamata Banerjee has been roasted grandly on social media for what persons are referring to as a ‘stunt’ and a ‘political gimmick’. Even the Congress’ Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury has stated that such “tactics to gain sympathy” wouldn’t work this time. “Mamata Banerjee is the police minister of the state and if she is not safe then she should immediately resign from the post,” he stated.When Nadda’s automobile pelted with stones, it was staged drama.When crude bomb thrown close to Tejaswi Surya’s protest in Bengal,it was additionally staged drama.When Mamata Banerjee simply bought pushed, IT IS REAL & Modi is accountable.In the imply time that is the BJP pole that attacked Didi 😂— PiyushTweets (@PiyushTweets1) March 10, 2021TMC Goons Hang The Pillar That Injured Mamata Banerjee And Damaged Her Car, Police Registers FIR Against The Pillar— The Fauxy (@the_fauxy) March 10, 2021Huge sympathy wave erupting for Mamata Banerjee. 2 extra TMC MLA joined BJP.— Lavi Rana (@LaviRana01) March 11, 2021According to medical report of Mamata Banerjee, she is dropping in Nandigram.— Lavi Rana (@LaviRana01) March 10, 2021Oscar for the very best feminine actress goes to our personal drama queen Mamata Banerjee and Oscar for the very best author goes to Prashant Kishore.While Arvind Kejriwal turns into the primary Indian actor to win again to again two Oscars for the very best male actors.#MamtaBanerjee— Ministry Of Sarcasm (@M_OfSarcasm) March 10, 2021Doctors are intently monitoring Banerjee for the following 48 hours as she continues to complain of chest ache and breathlessness. Abhishek Banerjee had earlier jumped the gun and stated, “Wait for medical reports. There is a grave injury. She’s suffered a crack. She’s gone for MRI.”Mamata Banerjee’s desperation of dropping the state to BJP has led to her putting her hopes on the incident as she has tried to garner as a lot media consideration as potential by projecting the incident as a conspiracy towards her. But one can’t overlook the truth that Suvendu Adhikari has emerged as a severe contender towards her in West Bengal and battleground Nandigram, a stronghold of Adhikari, is a make it or break it problem for her and it seems that her latest antics are a last-ditch try to avoid wasting her fortunes.