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Mamata Banerjee dubs ‘The Kerala Story’ as distorted movie by BJP

2 min read

On Monday (May 8), West Bengal CM courted controversy by labelling ‘The Kashmir Files’ and ‘The Kerala Story’ as ‘distorted movies.’

During a press conference at Nabanna (State Secretariat), she claimed, “If the political party play with fire, casteism or divide and rule…Why this “Kashmir Files’? To humiliate one section. What is this Kerala File? Though I do not support the CPI (M) because they are working with BJP.”

“I am talking about the people…Instead of me, it was their duty (CPIM) to criticise it…That BJP is showing ‘The Kerala Files’…A distorted story,” Banerjee brazened it out.

The West Bengal CM went on to allege that the movie’s strong was sponsored by the BJP, which bought right here to Bengal to promote ‘The Kerala Story’. She steered that movie makers have no qualms about making Kashmir Files and supposedly ‘condemning’ Kashmiri people.

“What is the fault of people? We respect each and everybody. That is our Constitution. Now they are defaming the Kerala people and State. Their narrative is to defame the Bengal also,” Mamata Banerjee concluded.

It needs to be talked about that she has banned the screening of the movie in West Bengal, citing the need to maintain ‘peace’ throughout the State. “West Bengal govt has decided to ban the movie ‘The Kerala Story’. This is to avoid any incident of hatred and violence, and to maintain peace in the state,” Mamata Banerjee talked about.

The specializing in of ‘The Kerala Story’ and ‘The Kashmir Files’

The movie ‘The Kerala Story‘ revolves throughout the tragic actuality of ISIS brides, with the lead actor Adah Sharma having fun with the perform of 1 Shalini Unnikrishnan, who’s brainwashed by her Muslim buddies and can get reworked to Islam. She later travels to IS (Islamic State) managed house alongside along with her companion.

‘The Kashmir Files’ film takes viewers once more to 1989, when on account of rising Islamic Jihad, an infinite battle erupted in Kashmir, forcing the great majority of Hindus to flee the valley.

Ever given that two movement footage hit the theatres, they bought right here beneath assault from the left-liberal cabal and politicians accused of minority appeasement. They sought to denigrate the movie and time interval the real-life incidents showcased in it as a result of the figment of the director’s creativeness.