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Gauhati HC rejects plea by Srinivas BV for anticipatory bail, quashing of case in direction of him

4 min read

On Thursday, the Gauhati High Court denied the Youth Congress President Srinivas BV’s request for anticipatory bail and declined to drop the First Information Report (FIR) in direction of him for insulting the modesty of expelled Assam Youth Congress chief Angkita Dutta.

Angkita Dutta’s allegations in direction of Srinivas BV | Gauhati High Court presently rejected the anticipatory bail plea of Indian Youth Congress (IYC) president Srinivas BV.

Hearing the pre-arrest bail petition of Srinivas BV, Justice Ajit Borthakur talked about in his order that –…

— ANI (@ANI) May 4, 2023

According to the sufferer’s declare, the Congress chief heckled the sufferer on February 25 at a lodge in Raipur by the Congress social gathering’s plenary session, single-judge Justice Ajit Borthakur acknowledged. He insulted her with slangs, threatening to wreck her social gathering occupation if she launched up the mistreatment in entrance of senior Congress social gathering officers.

“As per the victim’s allegation, besides various humiliating verbatim the petitioner uttered the words “Aye ladki ye tum kiya likhti rehti ho ye sab? Tum kiya piti rehti ho, vodka piti ho ya tequila piti rehti ho (Hey girl, what are you always writing? What do you keep drinking, vodka or tequila),” the courtroom docket seen.

The Court determined that these statements considered collectively appear to meet the requirements of Sections 352 (assault or jail energy), 354 (assault or jail energy to a woman with the intent to outrage her modesty), and 354A (1)(iv) of the Indian Penal Code, which presents with sexual harassment.

It added that the FIR’s accusations of jail intimidation would apply to the alleged harassment, which included the sufferer being threatened to not report his misconduct to prime social gathering members and making repeated sexist remarks using slang expressions. The bench was educated of the Congressman’s petition to dismiss the FIR filed in direction of him due to a grievance made by his former female coworker.

The ex-Congreewoman asserted in her grievance that he repeatedly verbally abused her, using sexist jokes and jargon, and intimidated her with extreme repercussions if she revealed this to senior Congress Party figures.

Furthermore, she claimed that the accused heckled her on the lodge’s entrance whereas he held her arms and attacked her with slang phrases by the Congress Party’s plenary meeting on March 25 on the Mayfair Hotel in Raipur. She further reported that nothing was carried out about his behaviour no matter her notifying senior Congress social gathering personnel about it.

The Rahul Gandhi loyalist, nonetheless, claimed that the FIR was launched in direction of him with a objective to settle political scores. In order to personally appear sooner than the officers wanting into the grievance, he pitched for interim discount, which is to stay the notifications despatched to him by the Dispur Police.

In its ruling, the bench rejected the competitors that the sufferer filed the FIR to make amends for every personal and political grievances.

The bench well-known, “There is no indication in the case diary that the FIR is politically motivated and based on some false and concocted story. The nature of offences disclosed in the FIR are crimes against society being basically pertaining to outraging of the modesty of woman. Therefore, at the present stage of the investigation, this Court cannot scrutinize the correctness or veracity of those allegations.”

Regarding the allegation that there was a delay in submitting the FIR and that Youth Congress had launched defamation charges in direction of the sufferer, the select dominated that this was an internal political social gathering matter and notrelated to the inquiry.

The bench rejected every, the request to quash the FIR after making these observations and his request for anticipatory bail in a definite judgement.

Angkita Dutta was expelled from the primary membership of the Congress for six years for ‘anti-party activities.’ Soon after her grievance of being sexually harassed by Srinivas BV, Tariq Anwar, member-secretary of the Congress’ disciplinary movement committee, talked about, “Congress president has expelled Dr Angkita Dutta, president, Assam Pradesh Youth Congress, from the primary membership of the party for six years for her anti-party activities with immediate effect,” in an order.

Earlier on 27 April, the Gauhati High Court had rejected denied interim discount to Youth Congress nationwide president Srinivas BV throughout the sexual harassment case. Before the petitioner’s interim request was thought of, Justice Ajit Borthakur well-known {{that a}} evaluation of the case diary, along with the sufferer woman’s assertion beneath Section 164 Cr.P.C., was utterly important for a good selection.