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Donald Trump to run for US President once more in 2024, recordsdata candidacy papers

2 min read

On Wednesday, former US President Donald Trump introduced his candidacy for the 2024 presidential elections of the United States and filed papers for a similar. 

Trump’s announcement comes days after the mid-term elections had been held within the US. With Trump submitting the 2024 White House bid paperwork, he turns into the primary candidate from both the Republican or Democrat facet to formally announce their candidacy. 

JUST IN – Trump recordsdata varieties to run for President of the United States in 2024.

— Disclose.television (@disclosetv) November 16, 2022

“America’s comeback begins right now,” the former president informed his supporters gathered in an American flag-draped ballroom at his Florida residence, Mar-a-Lago.

“In order to make America great and glorious again, I am announcing my candidacy for President of the United States tonight,” Trump mentioned, minutes earlier than submitting his official 2024 paperwork with the US election authority.

Former US President Donald Trump publicizes his bid for the 2024 presidency publish

“In order to make America great and glorious again, I am tonight announcing my candidacy for President of the United States,” he says

— ANI (@ANI) November 16, 2022

Trump’s early announcement for the presidential run is being seen as an try to achieve assist over different Republicans who search to characterize the occasion.

In current months Trump has been hinting that he would possibly run for the President publish. In his handle to a rally in Iowa, Trump had said, “I will very, very probably do it again.”

Former US President is focusing on a second time period in workplace, in line with CNN, after making a press release about two Republican governors, Ron DeSantis of Florida and Glenn Youngkin of Virginia, who might problem his place because the occasion’s flag-bearer within the close to future. 

In a publish on Truth Social, Donald Trump said, “I Endorsed him, did a very big Trump Rally for him telephonically, got MAGA to Vote for him – or he couldn’t have come close to winning.” Notably, Donald Trump misplaced the 2020 presidential election to US Vice President Joe Biden.