September 11, 2024

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The age limit for recruitment of doctor teachers in Madhya Pradesh will be 50 years, the age limit in medical colleges is currently 40 years

3 min read

Increasing the age limit will ease admission in new medical colleges.


The new system will be implemented in the medical colleges under the government. Till now the maximum age for recruitment is 40 years. The proposal will come in the cabinet. Candidates from other states will also get benefit on unreserved category posts.

State Bureau, Bhopal: The government is preparing to make a big change in the recruitment rules for medical teachers in government medical colleges (except autonomous ones) of Madhya Pradesh. There is a proposal to make the age limit for recruitment to the post of assistant professor 50 years. The Directorate of Medical Education has sent a proposal to the General Administration Department (GAD) in this regard.

The main reason for increasing the age limit

At present, the maximum age for appointment is 40 years, in which reserved categories get a relaxation of five years. The anomaly in this is that the maximum age for holding the post of Senior Resident is 45 years.

Only after serving as a senior resident for one year is a doctor eligible to become an assistant professor in a medical college. To remove this anomaly, the age limit is being increased. The new rule will make it easier to fill faculty positions in new medical colleges.

40 years is the minimum age limit

In the proposal sent by the Public Health and Medical Education Department to the GAD, it is said that by the time a doctor completes his MD-MS (postgraduate) studies, he is approximately 32 years old. After this, he also completes the bond period.

After getting selected in super specialty, it takes about four more years. After this, he is eligible to become an assistant professor only after being a senior resident for at least one year. In such a case, the age limit of 40 years falls short.

The Logic of GAD

Let us tell you that GAD had expressed disagreement on the proposal sent earlier by the Public Health and Medical Education Department, saying that the age limit cannot be determined afresh for any one department. In such a situation, now the department has sent a proposal to GAD, calling it a special case. After getting approval from here, this proposal will go to the cabinet.

Department of Public Health and Medical Education does the recruitment

Direct recruitment to faculty posts in medical colleges is done by the Public Health and Medical Education Department. In such a situation, candidates from other states will also get the benefit of increasing the age limit. However, candidates from other states can be recruited only on reserved posts.

Retirement age in medical colleges is 65 years

Officials of the Directorate of Medical Education said that the maximum age for recruitment in all AIIMS is 50 years. The age limit in medical colleges of the states is fixed as per the rules of the Public Service Commission, but in most states it is only 40 years. Let us tell you that at present the retirement age in government medical colleges is 65 years and in private colleges it is 70 years.

Therefore new rules will not be applicable in autonomous colleges

Autonomous colleges are free to decide the age limit according to their own discretion, therefore this system will not be applicable there. Currently four colleges are being run under the government, namely Satna, Seoni, Mandsaur and Neemuch. The recruitment process for Singrauli and Sheopur will also start this year. Mandla, Budhni and Rajgarh Medical Colleges are also going to start from the next session, where recruitment will be done as per the new rules.