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India’s place constant: Foreign Secretary on Ukraine disaster

2 min read


NEW DELHI: India’s place on the disaster in Ukraine has been “consistent” and it has each purpose to imagine that it needs to be in contact with all events involved, Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla mentioned on Sunday.

Referring to India’s stand on the UN Security Council decision on Friday, Shringla mentioned it has positively identified that “loss of human lives is not acceptable”.

India abstained from voting on the decision that condemned Russian aggression towards Ukraine, however on the identical time New Delhi known as for respecting the “sovereignty and territorial integrity” of States and sought quick cessation of “violence and hostilities”.

“In the UN Security Council, we have conveyed deep regret at the evolving situation. We have also definitely pointed out that loss of human lives is not acceptable,” Shringla mentioned at a media briefing.

“But at the same, time we have said that diplomacy and dialogue are the only option. Clearly from that perspective. I think our position has been consistent when it comes to dealing with the current situation at hand,” he mentioned.

The international secretary was replying to a query on the difficulty.

“We have been engaged with all parties. The prime minister has spoken to presidents of Russia and Ukraine. The external affairs minister has been in touch with a very wide range of interlocutors who are involved in the situation,” Shringla mentioned.

The international secretary mentioned he individually met with the envoys of Russia and Ukraine on Sunday.

“We are essentially a country that has not only interests in the region. We have friends, we have equities in the area. We have every reason to believe that we should be in touch with all concerned,” he mentioned.

“If we can play (a role), if there is any way that anyone can contribute, not just us but anyone can contribute to alleviating what is a difficult situation, I am sure they would do what it takes,” he mentioned.

Shringla was requested whether or not India was eager to play a job in defusing the disaster.

While abstaining from voting on the decision, India issued an ‘Explanation of Vote’ (EoV) by which it known as for “return to the path of diplomacy” and sought quick cessation of “violence and hostilities”.

India additionally advised the UN Security Council that it has been in contact with all events involved urging them to return to the negotiating desk.

“The contemporary global order has been built on the UN Charter, international law, and respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states,” India mentioned within the EoV mentioned.

“All member states need to honour these principles in finding a constructive way forward. Dialogue is the only answer to settling differences and disputes, however daunting that may appear at this moment,” it mentioned.

Russia used its veto energy to dam the US-sponsored decision deploring within the “strongest terms” Russian “aggression” towards Ukraine.

Besides India, China and the United Arab Emirates too abstained from voting.