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Girls outshine boys in ICSE, ISC examinations

4 min read

Express News Service

NEW DELHI:  The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) on Sunday declared the class X and class XII outcomes. While 98.94 per cent faculty college students of sophistication X cleared the examination, 96.93 per cent of sophistication XII faculty college students have been worthwhile in board examinations.

Like throughout the CBSE final outcomes, which have been launched on Friday, women outperform boys in every classes X (ICSE) and XII (ISC). The CISCE acknowledged women have accomplished increased than boys, with a go share of 99.21 per cent, whereas boys secured a go share of 98.71 per cent in ICSE exams. Similarly in class XII, women have achieved a go share of 98.01 per cent compared with boys who achieved a go share of 95.96 per cent. 

The Council acknowledged that in class X, the western space carried out the best, with a go share of 99.81 per cent, adopted by the southern space, with a go share of 99.69 per cent. The southern space moreover has the perfect worth of ladies (49.61 per cent) who had appeared throughout the examination.

However, throughout the ISC or class XII, the south space has the best go share with 99.20 per cent, adopted by the western space, which scored 98.34 per cent. The south space moreover has the perfect share of ladies (51 per cent).

In class X, 9 faculty college students shared the very best rank with 99.80 per cent marks. They are Rushil Kumar, Ananya Karthik, Shreya Upadhyay, Advay Sardesai, Yash Manish Bhasein, Tanay Sushil Shah, Hiya Sanghavi, Avishi Singh and Sambit Mukhopadhyay. In class XII, 5 faculty college students shared the first rank with 99.75 per cent. They are Riya Aggarwal, Ipshita Bhattacharya, Mohd Aryaan Tariq, Subham Kumar Agarwal and Manya Gupta. 

According to CISCE chief govt Gerry Arathoon, the class X (ICSE) examination  was carried out in 63 written matters of which 21 have been Indian, 14 have been worldwide, and two have been classical languages. The class XII (ISC) examination was carried out in 47 written matters, of which 12 have been Indian languages, three have been worldwide languages, and one classical language, he acknowledged.

In class X, 237,631 faculty college students – 128,131 (53.92 per cent) boys and 1,09,500 (46.08  per cent) women – took the examination, whereas in Class 12, 98,505 faculty college students attended the examination. While 51,781 (52.57 per cent) have been boys, 46,724 (47.43  per cent) have been women in class XII. 

NEW DELHI:  The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) on Sunday declared the class X and class XII outcomes. While 98.94 per cent faculty college students of sophistication X cleared the examination, 96.93 per cent of sophistication XII faculty college students have been worthwhile in board examinations.

Like throughout the CBSE final outcomes, which have been launched on Friday, women outperform boys in every classes X (ICSE) and XII (ISC). The CISCE acknowledged women have accomplished increased than boys, with a go share of 99.21 per cent, whereas boys secured a go share of 98.71 per cent in ICSE exams. Similarly in class XII, women have achieved a go share of 98.01 per cent compared with boys who achieved a go share of 95.96 per cent. 

The Council acknowledged that in class X, the western space carried out the best, with a go share of 99.81 per cent, adopted by the southern space, with a go share of 99.69 per cent. The southern space moreover has the perfect worth of ladies (49.61 per cent) who had appeared throughout the examination.googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.present(‘div-gpt-ad-8052921-2’); );

However, throughout the ISC or class XII, the south space has the best go share with 99.20 per cent, adopted by the western space, which scored 98.34 per cent. The south space moreover has the perfect share of ladies (51 per cent).

In class X, 9 faculty college students shared the very best rank with 99.80 per cent marks. They are Rushil Kumar, Ananya Karthik, Shreya Upadhyay, Advay Sardesai, Yash Manish Bhasein, Tanay Sushil Shah, Hiya Sanghavi, Avishi Singh and Sambit Mukhopadhyay. In class XII, 5 faculty college students shared the first rank with 99.75 per cent. They are Riya Aggarwal, Ipshita Bhattacharya, Mohd Aryaan Tariq, Subham Kumar Agarwal and Manya Gupta. 

According to CISCE chief govt Gerry Arathoon, the class X (ICSE) examination  was carried out in 63 written matters of which 21 have been Indian, 14 have been worldwide, and two have been classical languages. The class XII (ISC) examination was carried out in 47 written matters, of which 12 have been Indian languages, three have been worldwide languages, and one classical language, he acknowledged.

In class X, 237,631 faculty college students – 128,131 (53.92 per cent) boys and 1,09,500 (46.08  per cent) women – took the examination, whereas in Class 12, 98,505 faculty college students attended the examination. While 51,781 (52.57 per cent) have been boys, 46,724 (47.43  per cent) have been women in class XII.