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Fertiliser agency Kribhco to fabricate oxygen at Surat, UP crops

1 min read

Fertiliser firm Krishak Bharati Cooperative Ltd (Kribhco) will manufacture oxygen in gaseous state at two crops that might be arrange in Surat, and Shahajahanpur in Uttar Pradesh. A complete of 100 jumbo cylinders of oxygen could be produced from every plant day by day and be distributed to the federal government and personal hospitals totally free, firm officers stated.
The transfer comes as oxygen demand is rising every day and is aimed assembly future requirement of oxygen for Covid sufferers.
M N Sharma, operations director at Kribhco’s upcoming plant in Hazira, Surat, stated, “Over the past few days, we have been seeing high demand for oxygen for Covid patients. The number of patients are rising and the need of oxygen for private and government hospitals is also increasing. Thus, we decided to manufacture oxygen.”
He stated, “We had started manufacturing oxygen in-house, but did not succeed. So we decided to find an expert agency that can make arrangements to set up a plant each in Surat at Hazira and Shahjahanpur. Recently, we have been given orders to set up two such plants. Each plant will cost us around Rs 1 crore.”
Sharma added, “Work on setting up the plants has started. Most probably, we will commission the plants in the first week of May.”