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Dhami govt steps up drive to raze spiritual web sites in Uttarakhand’s forest areas

2 min read

Express News Service

DEHRADUN:  The demolition of illegal ‘mazars’, temples, gurudwaras and completely different spiritual places on forest land has intensified.

Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami had simply these days taken extreme concentrate on the fast-growing custom of land encroachment patterns beneath the guise of Mazar-Jehad, following which the forest division has started the work of eradicating all such illegal buildings constructed throughout the reserved forest house.

Dhami had simply these days appointed chief conservator of forests Parag Madhukar Dhakate as a result of the nodal officer whereas intensifying movement in the direction of alleged ‘mazar jehad’ and ‘land jehad’ on forest land. Dhakate had given per week’s time to DFOs to find out and take away illegal ‘mazars’ of their areas.

Four such illegal mazars have been demolished throughout the Ramnagar forest division adjoining Corbett Tiger Reserve.

Speaking to this newspaper, Chief Conservator of Forests Dr Parag Madhukar Dhakate acknowledged, “Information is still being collected about the number of illegal religious sites in the forest areas of the state.”

DEHRADUN:  The demolition of illegal ‘mazars’, temples, gurudwaras and completely different spiritual places on forest land has intensified.

Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami had simply these days taken extreme concentrate on the fast-growing custom of land encroachment patterns beneath the guise of Mazar-Jehad, following which the forest division has started the work of eradicating all such illegal buildings constructed throughout the reserved forest house.

Dhami had simply these days appointed chief conservator of forests Parag Madhukar Dhakate as a result of the nodal officer whereas intensifying movement in the direction of alleged ‘mazar jehad’ and ‘land jehad’ on forest land. Dhakate had given per week’s time to DFOs to find out and take away illegal ‘mazars’ of their areas.googletag.cmd.push(carry out() googletag.present(‘div-gpt-ad-8052921-2’); );

Four such illegal mazars have been demolished throughout the Ramnagar forest division adjoining Corbett Tiger Reserve.

Speaking to this newspaper, Chief Conservator of Forests Dr Parag Madhukar Dhakate acknowledged, “Information is still being collected about the number of illegal religious sites in the forest areas of the state.”