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CM Yogi’s `Varasat’ marketing campaign yielding good outcomes, over 4.43 lakh complaints disposed off

2 min read

New Delhi: Varasat marketing campaign launched to resolve long-pending land disputes is popping out to be one of many hallmarks of Yogi authorities as it’s yielding outcomes approach past expectation.
In only a month i.e. from Dec 2020 to Jan 19, greater than 4.43 lakh disputes have been disposed off.
These circumstances have been pending for years and inside a month, all these have been disposed of by the officers of the income division beneath the particular `Varasat’ marketing campaign.
Varasat marketing campaign started on December 15 and can proceed until February 15, 2021 and it goals to finish to the lengthy pending land disputes specifically within the rural areas and also will put a test on land mafias who goal disputed land principally in rural areas.
According to particular secretary, income, Sanjay Goyal, a complete of 4.94 lakh purposes have been acquired beneath `Varasat’ have been acquired, out of which 4.43 circumstances have been disposed of.

“The process of disposal of the remaining applications received from the villagers is underway and in order to completely dispose of the land-related disputes, the `Varasat’ campaign is being conducted in five stages for the last 34 days. The Lekhpals and other officials of the revenue department are visiting the villages and gathering information and disposing of the complaints.” Goyal knowledgeable.
On the directions of CM Yogi, as many as 24,000 Lekhpals and 2700 income inspectors of the income division have been going to the villages and amassing info associated to pending circumstances associated to the marketing campaign.

Looking into the success of the marketing campaign, additionally it is being claimed that the variety of candidates will enhance and never a single dispute associated to land will likely be remaining within the state after February 15 the final date or the `Varasat’ marketing campaign.