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BSF opens hearth on Pakistani drones alongside worldwide border in Jammu

1 min read

Border Security Force (BSF) personnel early on Saturday opened hearth on two Pakistani drones after they entered Indian airspace from throughout the International Border (IB) right here, officers stated.
Both the drones returned to the Pakistani facet after the BSF fired round 15 rounds in an try and convey them down within the Arnia space of R S Pura sector between 4.30 am and 4.45 am, the officers stated.

Pakistan is utilizing drones to drop weapons and medicines with the most recent try coming at a time when there may be peace on the borders in Jammu and Kashmir after India and Pakistan agreed to uphold the 2003 ceasefire settlement from the intervening night time of February 24 and 25.

The two drones have been noticed hovering in Jabbowal and Vikram border outpost areas in Arnia this morning. Both the drones returned to Pakistani facet after the alert BSF personnel fired on them, a BSF official stated.
He stated the entire space has been cordoned off and a search operation was carried out to make sure that there was no dropping from the drones earlier than returning to Pakistan.

However, nothing objectionable was discovered on the bottom to date, the official of the border guarding pressure stated.