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26 unlawful mazars constructed on reserved forest land demolished by Uttarakhand govt

2 min read

On Monday, in a significant crackdown, the Uttarakhand authorities rolled bulldozers over unlawful mazars which have been constructed by encroachment on the reserved forest land. This is after Uttarakhand CM Pushkar Singh Dhami directed the state authorities to clear forest land of encroachment.

According to the experiences, the federal government authorities demolished 26 mazars that have been illegally constructed on the federal government’s forest land. The authorities carried out a survey and recognized round 1400 spiritual constructions constructed illegally on authorities land.

As per experiences, among the unlawful mazars didn’t even include any human stays.

The video of the incident goes viral over social media during which bulldozers could be seen rolling over a small mazar in-built forest area. Several photos of demolition have additionally gone viral displaying the mazars being pulled down. The State Forest Department confirmed the event and said that 7 mazars have been demolished within the Kalsi forest division, 6 in Ladpur, and 5 within the Raipur forest area.

Uttarakhand authorities’s bulldozer on unlawful Mazars, 26 Mazars demolished in a single evening.

Some Mazars have been constructed within the reserve forest at such locations, the place the motion of frequent individuals and any sort of building was not allowed.#LandJihad

— The Sanatan Uday (@TheSanatanUday) March 13, 2023

Reports point out that some individuals of the Barelvi Muslim neighborhood are actively concerned in encroaching authorities land and have been deliberately constructing mazars in forest areas, ultimately erecting everlasting constructions and claiming a bigger portion of the forest lands. These mazars are additional believed to draw lots of poor individuals from the Hindu neighborhood within the space together with the Muslims.

Notably, the chief minister had given high authorities staff particular directions to conduct a particular examination for unlawful mazars, temples, and church buildings constructed on authorities property. 15 of the 17 unlawful mazars have been razed in Dehradun alone, as per experiences.

CM Dhami had additionally particularly famous that unlawful mazars have been being constructed on the federal government land and had stated that any sort of land encroachment wouldn’t be tolerated. “The government will not tolerate encroachments of its land and action will be taken against these Mazars,” he had stated.

In the present case, CFO of Yamuna Circle of Forest Department. Dr Vinay Bhargava stated that the officers had received the survey accomplished. “We have removed illegal structures built in the forest land. Any kind of encroachment will not be tolerated,” he stated. He additionally added that as per the Supreme Court order dated 29 September 2009, no new spiritual place could be constructed on the state property with out permission.

The SC bench in 2009 had directed that there shall be no contemporary building of locations of worship at public locations all through the nation. As per the order, the restriction would apply to temples, mosques, church buildings, gurudwaras, and locations of worship of all different communities.