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India started buying less Chinese goods, but sales of Indian goods to China increased, how so?

1 min read

Despite Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s slogan of self-sufficiency for the first time in April and the tensions that started along the border with China since May, bilateral trade has increased for the last three months.

Since the violent confrontation on the outskirts, the Indian government has taken some concrete steps to reduce dependence on Chinese imports, including curbing TV and mobile phone imports from China.

But experts who keep an eye on China say that if these steps take effect, it will be properly known only after the next three months.

Experts say that the ban does not mean that India-China bilateral trade will reduce rapidly.

“This (curb against China) is a tool used to express resentment over border tensions as well as to reduce imbalances in bilateral trade,” says Dr Faisal Ahmed, a specialist in Chinese affairs at the FORE School of Management in Delhi. There is also an effort. “

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