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Chhattisgarh:Monsoon session of the assembly from tomorrow; 100 policemen will be on duty, neither will be able to go home, nor meet family

1 min read
  • Assembly session to be held till August 28, police personnel being corona tested
  • The meeting will be postponed on the first day after paying tribute to former Chief Minister Ajit Jogi

The monsoon session of the Chhattisgarh Legislative Assembly begins on Tuesday. Particular precaution is being taken for this session being held in the coronary. Duty of 100 policemen has been imposed for security during the assembly session. In view of the expansion of corona in Raipur, the corona test of all these is being done.

A Constable’s Report I-Positive
During the ongoing test run in the assembly constituency, a constable’s report has come positive. After this he is removed from duty. At the same time, all policemen on duty will have to stay there for four days. During this time he has not been allowed to meet his family either. Also, there is a ban on outsiders going to the assembly.

Legislators and ministers will not be tested. The
special thing is that all policemen and employees who are doing duty to protect the corona are being tested. But MLAs and ministers are not included in this test. That is, they will not have a corona test. Thermal screening of all the MLAs and Ministers coming during the session will be done.

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