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The English Patient collection adaptation in improvement at BBC

1 min read

By Express News Service

A small display screen adaptation of Michael Ondaatje’s The English Patient is in improvement at BBC. Hailing from author Emily Ballou, the drama collection will tackle a brand new interpretation of the novel which follows 4 dissimilar individuals introduced collectively at an Italian villa throughout World warfare II. 

Further, the collection is not going to be a remake of the 1996 function adaptation. Originally revealed in 1992, the guide follows an unrecognisable burned man — the eponymous affected person, presumed to be English — his Canadian Army nurse, a Sikh British Army sapper and a Canadian thief.

Set through the North African and Italian campaigns of the Second World War, the guide is advised out of sequence and strikes backwards and forwards between the affected person’s recollections earlier than his accident and the present evens on the bomb-damaged Italian monastery.

The collection is a co-production between Miramax Television and Paramount Television Studios. Writer Ballou is an Australian-American poet, novelist and screenwriter. 

She was a supervising producer on HBO’s Run and a inventive marketing consultant on Steven Knight, Tom Hardy and Ridley Scott’s collection Taboo.