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Assam: Jailed activist Akhil Gogoi to contest polls from Sivasagar constituency

1 min read

Jailed activist Akhil Gogoi will contest the upcoming Assembly elections in Assam from the Sivasagar constituency of Upper Assam, his celebration Raijor Dal introduced on Saturday night.
The celebration, which is contesting the upcoming elections with a motto of creating a “politically federal, socially inclusive and economically self-reliant” Assam, introduced an inventory of complete 17 candidates for the primary and the second phases of the elections, to be held on March 27 and April 1.
Gogoi (45) is a outstanding peasants’ rights chief in Assam who’s presently in jail for over a 12 months now after being booked by the NIA on prices of sedition and people associated to terrorism underneath provisions of the UAPA following his involvement within the anti-CAA protests within the state.

A spokesperson of the celebration informed The Indian Express that it’s anticipated as of now that Gogoi will contest from the jail.

Gogoi leads the farmers’ physique Krishak Mukti Sangram Samiti (KMSS) and is now the president of the brand new regionalist political celebration, the Raijor Dal, which has been fashioned by the KMSS and 70 different ethnic and cultural organisations.

The celebration is in alliance for the polls with one other regional celebration, the Asom Jatiya Parishad (AJP), which additionally owes its origin to the anti-CAA protests.
The Raijor Dal and the AJP have chosen to not go together with the Congress-led ‘grand alliance’ within the state.