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Job aspirants threaten indefinite quick, give Kerala govt till night of February 22

2 min read

By Express News Service
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The PSC job aspirants protesting in entrance of the Secretariat have threatened to launch an indefinite quick from Monday night if the federal government doesn’t subject a beneficial order by then.

“We were informed that Law Minister A K Balan reportedly told a news channel that the government will come out with an order by Monday. If it doesn’t, we will kick off our indefinite fast in front of the Secretariat,” Laya Rajesh, a consultant of aspirants within the Last Grade Servants PSC rank listing, instructed TNIE.

The protesting job-seekers have been demanding, amongst different issues, extra appointments of final grade servants in universities, creation of vacancies in increased secondary faculties and fixing evening watchman’s obligation time to eight hours in order that extra vacancies may be created as a substitute of asking them to work double obligation. On Saturday, further chief secretary T Ok Jose and ADGP (headquarters) Manoj Abraham had held talks with the protesters. 

During the two-hour dialogue, the protesters sought written assurance that the federal government would settle for their calls for. The two officers instructed the protesters that their calls for had been real and stated they are going to apprise the federal government of the identical.

Meanwhile, the indefinite quick launched by the Youth Congress (YC) state leaders in entrance of the Secretariat in solidarity with the protesting rank-holders and in opposition to alleged backdoor appointments by the federal government accomplished every week on Sunday. The resolution by the YC leaders to launch an indefinite quick final Sunday had taken the rank-holders unexpectedly. 

Though Opposition chief Ramesh Chennithala and former Chief Minister Oommen Chandy requested YC state president and vice-president, MLAs Shafi Parambil and Ok S Sabarinadhan, respectively, to hunt medical assist, they determined to proceed the quick. On Sunday, Chennithala visited the protesting MLAs and the rank-holders. 

It ought to be recalled that Wayanad MP Rahul Gandhi will probably be arriving in Thiruvananthapuram on Tuesday from Wayanad. The Congress can be eager on cashing in on the beneficial political scenario prompting the YC leaders to delay the indefinite quick regardless of their failing well being.