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Dharmendra Pradhan calls for Centre of Excellence on marine biotechnology in Odisha

2 min read

Express News Service
BHUBANESWAR: Union Minister for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Steel Dharmendra Pradhan has demanded a Centre of Excellence (CoE) on marine biotechnology in Odisha for enhanced concentrate on scientific analysis.

In a letter to Union Science and Technology Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan, Pradhan requested his private intervention to facilitate establishing the CoE at Institute of Life Sciences (ILS), Bhubaneswar.

The Minister mentioned Odisha’s lengthy and delightful shoreline has been one of many hallmarks of the State for hundreds of years because it gives sustenance and employment tomillions who’re engaged in pisciculture and fishing, journey tourism and commerce and logistics.

“World famous sites like Jagannath Temple in Puri, Sun temple at Konark, Chilika Lake and Bhitarkanika National Park form the backbone of Odisha’s tourism and allied industry. Projects such as the expansion and development of Paradip Port, IOCL refinery at Paradip, LNG terminal at Dhamra, Gopalpur-Digha coastal highway and fishing harbours at Paradip and Balasore will unlock the potential for marine-led economic growth in Odisha and eastern India,” he wrote.

Pradhan mentioned for the previous six years, Odisha’s shoreline has been in focus for the Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s imaginative and prescient for a marine-led blue economic system.

“Such industrial economic growth must be balanced with ecological conservation. It is essential to invest in the preservation of delicate marine ecosystems such as the nesting sites of the endangered Olive Ridley turtles and mangrove ecosystems while developing novel approaches using marine biotechnology,” heobserved.

Since the ILS has been enterprise scientific analysis on this space with a confirmed set of publications and patents, which have led to beneficial outcomes for the administration of native bio-resources, eco-conservation efforts and optimum marine useful resource utilisation, Pradhan mentioned, as soon as the CoE is about up right here, it will increase scientific analysis actions.