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India-China standoff: Question of border subject could be resolved by means of talks, says Rajnath Singh

2 min read

New Delhi: Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Thursday mentioned India has all the time advised China that bilateral relations can solely be maintained by mutual efforts and any impression on peace and tranquillity on the Line of Actual Control (LAC), will adversely have an effect on the ties between the 2 nations.
Speaking in regards to the current state of affairs in Eastern Ladakh’ within the Rajya Sabha, Singh mentioned, “India has always told China that bilateral relations can only be maintained by the efforts of both the countries. And the question of border issue can be resolved through talks.”

“Any impact on peace and tranquillity on LAC adversely affects our bilateral ties and China is well aware of this. Many high-level joint statements also mention that maintaining peace and tranquillity on LAC and borders is very important for bilateral relation,” he added.

Talking in regards to the ongoing station on the border space, he mentioned, “Since last year, we have maintained a relationship with China on military and diplomatic levels. During the talks, we told China that we want a solution of the issue based on three principles.”
“First, both parties must agree on LAC and respect it. Secondly, there shouldn’t be an attempt to change the status unilaterally, by any party. Thirdly, all the compromises should be completely agreed upon by both parties,” Defence Minister added.

India-China standoff
This comes after the Chinese and Indian border troops on the southern and northern shores of Pangong Lake started disengagement on Wednesday as per the consensus reached in the course of the ninth spherical of navy commander-level talks, in accordance with China’s Ministry of National Defence.
The Chinese and Indian border troops on the southern and northern shores of Pangong Lake started disengagement as deliberate on Wednesday in accordance with the consensus reached in the course of the ninth spherical of navy commander-level talks, reported Global Times, citing the Defence Ministry.
India and China had agreed to push for an early disengagement of the frontline troops in japanese Ladakh in the course of the ninth spherical of the China-India Corps Commander Level assembly held on the Chinese aspect of the Moldo-Chushul border assembly level on January 24 to deal with the continued navy standoff.
The two nations have been engaged in a stand-off alongside the Line of Actual Control (LAC) since April-May final 12 months. While China started amassing huge navy energy alongside the LAC, India responded with a befitting build-up.