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Delhi Republic Day violence was pre-planned? Police reveal the sinister plot

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Image Source : INDIA TV Delhi Police says software equipment shared by Greta Thunberg was much like what occurred in Delhi on January 26.
The Delhi Police on Thursday that it has taken cognizance of the ‘software equipment’ much like that shared by Swedish teen activist Greta Thunberg in her tweet. The intention of the ‘software equipment’ was to create social disharmony in India amid the continued farmers’ protest, the police stated. 

Briefing the press, Praveer Ranjan, Special Commissioner of Police stated that the ‘software equipment’ has been within the public area since a while and investigations have revealed that it was authored by a pro-Khalistan group. 

“We haven’t named anybody in the FIR, it’s only against the creators of ‘tool kit’ which is a matter of investigation and Delhi Police will be investigating that case,” he stated.

ALSO READ: Greta Thunberg’s new tweet after Delhi Police’s FIR, says ‘nonetheless stand with farmers’

“Sections in FIR are 124 A IPC-spreading disaffection against Govt of India, it’s regarding sedition, 153 A-promoting hatred amongst various communities on social/cultural/religious grounds, same is 153 & 120 B for criminal conspiracy to give shape to such a plan,” Ranjan added. 

The Delhi Police’ briefing got here shortly after experiences emerged that an FIR has been filed in opposition to Greta Thunberg for her tweets supporting protesting farmers. She had shared the contentious software equipment in considered one of her tweets. 

“I still #StandWithFarmers and support their peaceful protest. No amount of hate, threats or violations of human rights will ever change that. #FarmersProtest,” the 18-year-old tweeted after experiences of case filed in opposition to her. 

ALSO READ: 3-hour-long ‘chakka jaam’ on Feb 6: Rakesh Tikait vows to accentuate farmers protest

Earlier, the Delhi Police stated it has launched motion in opposition to alleged “fake posts” on social media platforms associated to the violence that broke out on Republic Day through the farmers’ tractor protest and has registered 4 circumstances within the matter.

The police stated they’ve observed some social media behaviours in the previous couple of days the place pretend information is circulating about police firing in opposition to the protesters, although over 500 police personnel have been injured as a consequence of restrained motion in opposition to the violent and rampaging protesters.

“Fake news about resignation by 200 police personnel in support of farmers’ protest, and old images and videos of law and order action that are unrelated to the current situation in Delhi are being peddled to generate resentment against the administration,” Delhi Police PRO Chinmoy Biswal had stated.

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