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After Bihar, Malayalee pollster Abbin Theepura set to foretell 2021 Kerala election consequence

2 min read

Express News Service
KOCHI: When the polling within the Bihar Assembly elections concluded in November final 12 months, most pollsters predicted a bonus for the Congress-Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) grand alliance. However, New Delhi-based election strategist Abbin Theepura’s predicted that the BJP-led NDA would win between 123 and 135 seats and the NDA romped dwelling with 125 seats.

Theepura, a local of Ochira in Kollam and founding father of Politique Marquer, a startup specialised in election and marketing campaign methods, is now set to forecast the win of the upcoming meeting polls in Kerala. He is busy finishing up opinion surveys and exit polls within the state which can quickly witness a three-cornered struggle among the many LDF, UDF, and BJP.

“The Bihar exit poll was predicted after conducting a detailed ground survey by classifying the assembly segments into three zones. The exhaustive survey took three months as we interacted with voters to get their pulse. We collected public opinion through our Gurugram-based call centre. When we analysed the data, we realised the people’s mandate was in favour of NDA. We announced our findings via Twitter, 24 hours before the declaration of results, which went viral,” stated Theepura.  

Of the 123-135 seats for NDA, the staff predicted that the BJP’s share can be 78-88 seats whereas JDU would win 40-45 seats. The prediction was close to the mark as BJP received 74 seats. It had predicted that RJD would win 85-95 seats and the Congress 15-20 seats of the overall 104-115 seats projected for the Grand Alliance. “We are preparing the opinion polls of four states which are going to the polls this year. The results will be announced by the second week of February,” Theepura stated. 

He stated talks are underway with political occasion leaders, former legislators, and some sitting MLAs in Kerala who’ve approached him for an efficient election technique. Theepura carved out a distinct segment for himself together with his affiliation with political strategist Prashant Kishor.

The MBA graduate who handed out from Birla Institute of Management and Technologies, New Delhi in 2014, labored as an election and communication strategist for Congress within the earlier Punjab and UP elections after which in Andhra Pradesh for Jagmohan Reddy’s YSR Congress Party.