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Ashok Gehlot comes down on LDF, BJP

1 min read

By Express News Service
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, who has been assigned as one of many three AICC observers within the state, got here down closely on the LDF and BJP. He mentioned that their agenda is to convey that there are points inside the social gathering and disputes among the many leaders in order to thwart the possibilities of Congress-led UDF returning to energy.

Addressing the KPCC office-bearers’ assembly at Indira Bhavan right here, Gehlot in contrast the LDF authorities’s stance to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s marketing campaign slogan ‘Congress Mukt Bharat.’

Gehlot urged social gathering leaders to work unitedly in opposition to their political rivals. He unleashed his assault on BJP and RSS alleging that they’ve been attempting to wreck democracy. Hinting on the controversial subject of BJP searching for the assistance of Central companies together with the CBI, Gehlot mentioned efforts are on to topple the governments in Jharkhand and Maharashtra.

“Every five years, either the LDF or the UDF government keeps coming to power in Kerala. Our fight is against the BJP. In West Bengal, the Congress and the CPM have joined hands. In Kerala, even if the LDF is voted to power, the main agenda of Modi is to see that it is Congress Mukt Bharat across the country,” mentioned Ashok Gehlot. He additionally urged social gathering staff to struggle the Left because the state of affairs in Kerala is completely different in comparison with West Bengal.