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Privileges panel report on finance minister tabled with UDF’s dissent be aware

1 min read

By Express News Service
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The Privileges and Ethics Committee has given a clear chit to Finance Minister T M Thomas Isaac on a grievance that he had infringed on the rights of the home by disclosing the contents of the CAG report earlier than it was tabled within the meeting. However, the committee’s report, which was tabled within the meeting on Wednesday, additionally included the dissent be aware of three UDF MLAs. The MLAs famous that justifying the motion of the minister would set a incorrect precedent.

The committee, with a majority of members belonging to the LDF, determined to finish additional proceedings on the grievance in opposition to Isaac. The home panel noticed that the inclusion of sure findings within the CAG report in violation of established process had created a rare state of affairs.

The report upheld the advantage of Isaac’s argument that addition of sure pages within the last CAG report was mysterious. The discover on the breach of privilege by the minister was given by V D Satheesan, MLA, of the Congress.

In their dissent be aware, UDF MLAs V S Sivakumar, Mons Joseph and Anoop Jacob mentioned the minister leaked parts of the CAG report in violation of precedent and constitutional rules. They additionally famous that Isaac’s arguments to justify his motion had been irrelevant.