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Submit proof on KIIFB graft, Isaac dares Satheesan

3 min read

By Express News Service
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Finance Minister Thomas Isaac on Wednesday challenged Congress chief VD Satheesan to submit proof on his allegation that the CAG had despatched the minutes of the exit assembly to the state authorities. The leaders locked horns through the dialogue on the adjournment movement moved by Satheesan relating to the CAG’s opposed findings on the borrowings of the Kerala Infrastructure Investment Board (KIIFB). The CAG, in its State Finance Audit Report that was tabled within the House on January 18, had noticed that the borrowings have been unconstitutional.

Satheesan mentioned the CAG had despatched the minutes of the exit assembly to the finance secretary. Hence, the federal government’s declare that the CAG’s observations on KIIFB within the last report have been “out of the blue” was mistaken.Satheesan mentioned the minister is not going to reach protecting up the letter since it may be accessed by anybody from the AG’s workplace or the minister’s workplace by means of an RTI question. Isaac maintained that the federal government didn’t obtain such a communication and dared Satheesan to file the RTI question.

The House witnessed heated debate because the UDF members supported the CAG’s findings and the treasury members refuted them. The latter accused the Congress of siding with the BJP authorities on the Centre that misuses the CAG for political positive aspects. Isaac even named the previous CAG for conspiring in opposition to the state. The minister later withdrew the private assault. 

CPM legislator M Swaraj was probably the most crucial in opposition to the CAG. Terming the report politically motivated, he mentioned the meeting had the powers to throw the CAG report into the dustbin. Only the courtroom was the competent authority to confirm the constitutionality of the KIIFB because it was fashioned as per an Act handed by the meeting. KIIFB is a physique company which was entitled for issuing masala bond. If the CAG doesn’t perceive it, the state “will teach the CAG,” he mentioned.

Congress chief V T Balram mentioned the CPM members’ responses to critical allegations have been mere emotional appeals and lacked factual arguments. The state transferred `3,372 crore to the KIIFB until 2018-19. He questioned why it wasn’t mirrored within the monetary assertion tabled within the Assembly. 

Isaac mentioned the Congress should withdraw the allegations in opposition to KIIFB similar to it did within the case of LIFE Mission. Isaac mentioned KIIFB has sanctioned `7,300 crore for varied tasks to this point. Another `700 crore will likely be sanctioned for land acquisition for NH improvement inside two days. By March the entire spending by the KIIFB could be between `10,000 and `12,000 crore, he mentioned. The Opposition later walked out and the adjournment movement was dismissed.

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Crime price dropped in state final yr: CMT’Puram: Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Wednesday mentioned the state’s crime price took a dip in 2020. “In 2016, the number of cases registered stood at 7,07,870. Last year, it came down to 5,26,476 cases. Since the LDF came to power, the government has appointed 12,284 police officers,” he mentioned.

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