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CM Yogi launches month-long ‘road safety campaign’, inaugurates transport tasks price Rs 55 crore

2 min read

New Delhi: As the state takes fast strides of development together with rise in vehicular site visitors, Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath on Thursday launched a public consciousness marketing campaign for street security. Under the month lengthy marketing campaign, folks might be tutored concerning the significance and strict implementation of site visitors guidelines.
The Chief Minister expressed concern over street accidents and in addition issued a passionate enchantment to observe all site visitors guidelines. He stated that the street accidents might need been decreased in recent times however about 65 folks lose their lives day by day in street accidents.
“65 people lose their lives in road accidents daily. The number can be reduced by creating public awareness. We have started a Road Safety public awareness campaign today. People must avoid driving without a license. Drunk-driving is also a big cause of accidents,” stated Yogi Adityanath.
“It’s a month-long campaign devoted to road safety awareness. Departments of Transport and Health are also involved in the campaign. Every district will have DM as nodal officer. We will review the departments after the campaign ends on February 20,” CM Yogi added.
Insisting upon to maintain vigil whereas driving or traversing via the roads, the Chief Minister stated that staying alert, vigilant and conscious of the site visitors guidelines is the necessity of hour to stop 1000’s of lives in street accidents yearly.

‘सड़क सुरक्षा माह’ का शुभारंभ एवं ₹55.70 करोड़ की परियोजनाओं का लोकार्पण/शिलान्यास…अपना और अपने परिवार का ध्यान रखें। सड़क पर यातायात नियमों का पालन करें।
— Yogi Adityanath (@myogiadityanath) January 21, 2021

School youngsters to be sensitised about site visitors pointers
The Chief Minister emphasised on spreading consciousness about site visitors guidelines and street security month.
“Sense of traffic awareness and road safety should be instilled in them from the very beginning and by this, they would remain aware throughout their life. Special programmes should be held in schools regarding road safety and traffic rules,” CM advised the officers.

CM Yogi additionally inaugurated and laid the inspiration stone of assorted tasks of the transport division price Rs 55.70 crore. These included the development of bus stations, computerized driving tracks, renovation works, and so forth., in numerous districts of the state.
During the programme, the CM additionally administered the oath to the folks to observe site visitors guidelines and drive safely.
An consciousness rally was additionally flagged off by the CM and the pink patrol, emergency automobiles, LED vans, classic automobiles and the transport division additionally participated within the rally. All the automobiles had messages requesting everybody to observe site visitors guidelines. Through the rally, the folks had been additionally defined the significance of adjust to the site visitors guidelines and appealed to observe site visitors guidelines.