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Yogi Government will formally sue the makers of Tandav as UP Police crew reaches Mumbai

2 min read

It appears that the troubles proceed to mount for the makers of Tandav – an Amazon Prime authentic sequence, as now the Yogi authorities has vowed to take powerful motion towards the present’s makers with the UP Police additionally reaching Mumbai to additional examine the a number of police circumstances filed towards the present within the state.Keshav Prasad Maurya, the Deputy CM within the Yogi authorities, has vowed to take powerful authorized motion towards the present, as he stated, “The producer, director, and artistes of web series Tandav have committed the crime of spoiling social harmony and unity and hurting Hindu religious sentiments. Tough legal action will be taken.”Additionally, 4 UP police personnel have reached Mumbai for investigation and reportedly, will likely be questioning the solid and the crew of the present. Even, Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh hit out on the present as he stated, “We have received a complaint over Tandav. We will take action according to the law. Since it is an OTT film, the Central government must be bringing in laws so that social fault lines are not created.”An FIR was lodged towards Ali Abbas Zafar and Gaurav Solanki, the director and author of Tandav at Hazratganj Police Station late on Sunday evening by Senior Sub-Inspector Amarnath Yadav. The FIR additionally consists of the identify of Amazon Prime’s India Head of Original Content Aparna Purohit, Producer Himanshu Krishna Mehra and one other unnamed individual.Read More: Yogi begins crackdown on the solid and crew of the anti-Hindu sequence ‘Tandav’The FIR reads, “Those named have been booked for promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion, race, place of birth, makes destruction, damage, or defilement of a place of worship or an object held sacred; forgery for purpose of harming reputation, statements conducing to public mischief, with intent to threaten the unity, integrity, security or sovereignty of India, or to strike terror in the people or any section of the people.”Yesterday, Ali Abbas Zafar, the creator and co-producer of Tandav, tendered an apology as he stated, “We have the utmost respect for the sentiments of the people of our country. We did not intend to hurt or offend the sentiments of any individual, caste, community, race, religion or religious beliefs or insult or outrage any institution, political party or person, living or dead.”Read More: As Tandav director points a sorry excuse of an apology, its stars share memes on social mediaHe added, “The cast & crew of Tandav have made the decision to implement changes to the web series to address the concerns raised towards the same. We thank the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting for the guidance & support in the matter. We once again apologise if the series has unintentionally hurt anybody’s sentiments.”It appears that the makers and the solid of Tandav are in serious trouble as a number of circumstances towards them have been lodged in several states particularly by the Yogi authorities in UP.