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Electricity customers will get reduction of about Rs 1150 crore from the concessions introduced by the Chief Minister

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Electricity customers will get reduction from the concessions introduced by the Chief Minister. Order issued by Energy Department Bhopal: Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 19:13 IST Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan to present reduction to electrical energy customers in view of the issue brought on by the lockdown Orders have been issued by the Department of Energy relating to bulletins made for this. This will present reduction of about 1150 crore rupees to about 11 million electrical energy customers of various classes. Relief shall be given to them: April-2020 electrical energy invoice May, June, July potential invoice May, June, July Benefit client and quantity (Approx.) Up to 100 rupees and Sambal beneficiaries as much as 100 rupees and Sambal beneficiaries 50 rupees monthly 63 lakhs (100 crores) as much as 100 rupees 100 to 400 rupees 100 rupees 28 lakhs (150 crores) greater than 100 rupees however most 400 More than half the quantity of invoice must be deposited as much as Rs 400. Remaining half quantity shall be determined after checking the invoice 8 lakhs (200 crores) Permanent fees in electrical energy dues postpone restoration within the dues of May and June Payment of dues of 12 lakhs (restoration of 700 crores on October-2020 to March-2021) Principal Secretary Energy Shri Sanjay Dubey has directed the Managing Director of MP Power Management Company and the Managing Directors of the three energy distribution firms to instantly make sure the implementation of the order issued in relation to the concessions. According to the order issued, the restoration of everlasting fees within the electrical energy payments of May and June 2020 has been postponed for the month of April in addition to May and June 2020 for low-end non-domestic and low-end industrial customers and excessive tariff HV-3 customers. The deferred quantity shall be recovered with out curiosity in 6 equal installments with common fee of electrical energy dues from October 2020 to March 2021. About 12 lakh entrepreneurs will get rapid reduction of about Rs 700 crores from this resolution. Sambal beneficiaries and home customers whose electrical energy payments got here to Rs 100 or much less in April and fewer than Rs 100 in May, June and July. , Instead of the quantity of May, June, July, they are going to be charged solely 50 rupees monthly. This resolution of the state authorities will profit about Rs 100 crore to about 63 lakh beneficiaries. Domestic customers, whose electrical energy payments have been lower than Rs 100 within the month of April however greater than Rs 100 however Rs 400 within the months of May, June and July. If you come lower than or will come, then they are going to be charged solely Rs 100 monthly as a substitute of the invoice quantity for May, June and July. With this resolution, about 28 lakh beneficiaries will get a advantage of Rs 150 crore. For home customers whose electrical energy invoice was greater than Rs 100 however Rs 400 or much less within the month of April, the quantity shall be 400 in May, June and July. In case of extra of rupees, solely 50 p.c of the quantity of the invoice shall be taken from them in these three months. The resolution shall be taken after checking the remaining invoice quantity. About 8 lakh beneficiaries must pay half of the invoice quantity. This resolution will profit the beneficiaries of about 200 crores. The customers shall be given one p.c extra incentive on fee of payments in April and May by the due date. This quantity shall be most 10 thousand rupees for low stress customers and most one lakh rupees for prime stress customers. Rajesh Pandey