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Death of labourers at BRO venture websites: Govt to bear bills for transportation of mortal stays

5 min read


NEW DELHI: The mortal stays of informal labourers of the Border Roads Organisation (BRO) who die at work shall be transported to their houses at authorities expense, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh mentioned on Sunday.

Singh made the announcement in a publish in Hindi on ‘X.

प्रधानमंत्री श्री @narendramodi के नेतृत्व में चल रही सरकार सभी श्रमिकों के कल्याण के प्रति संवेदनशील है। इसको ध्यान में रखते हुए रक्षा मंत्रालय में यह निर्णय लिया गया है कि BRO के प्रोजेक्ट्स के निर्माण कार्य के दौरान, अल्प अवधि के लिए काम करने वाले श्रमिकों की, यदि किसी कारण से…

— Rajnath Singh (@rajnathsingh) September 24, 2023

The Defence Ministry in an announcement earlier within the day mentioned Singh has authorised the extension of the power of preservation and transportation of mortal stays, out there for General Reserve Engineer Force (GREF) personnel of the BRO, to casually paid labourers (CPLs).

Singh in his publish mentioned that the federal government below the management of Prime Minister Narendra Modi is “sensitive towards the welfare of all the workers”.

Keeping this in thoughts, it has been determined within the Defence Ministry that if employees engaged on a short-term foundation die as a result of any purpose in the course of the development work of BRO tasks, then their mortal stays shall be safely transported to their houses, Singh wrote within the publish.

Expenses incurred in taking the mortal stays to their houses shall be borne by the federal government. The quantity to be spent on their funerals has additionally been elevated, he added.

“We believe that the importance of those who work hard to build roads at the country’s border and in remote areas adjacent to them is no less than that of a soldier. Therefore this decision has been taken,” he mentioned.

Singh has additionally authorised a rise in funeral expenditure for the CPLs to Rs 10,000 from Rs 1,000, the ministry mentioned within the assertion.

This shall be borne by the federal government within the occasion of the demise of any CPL whereas on authorities bona fide obligation at BRO tasks, whose final rites are being carried out on the worksite, it added.

“The CPLs are employed by the BRO for the construction of roads in forward or border areas. They work hand-in-hand with the BRO personnel in adverse climate and tough working conditions, which sometimes results in casualties,” the assertion mentioned.

Until now, the power of preservation and transportation of mortal stays to the native place at authorities expense was out there just for the GREF personnel. The CPLs working in comparable situations have been disadvantaged of this facility, it added.

In case of their demise, the burden of transportation falls on the bereaved households. Due to a scarcity of economic sources, the household of the deceased are unable to bear the expenditure of airfare and even transportation by highway in most situations.

A bereaved household typically finds it extraordinarily troublesome to afford the funeral and different associated expenditure, the ministry mentioned.

In such circumstances, the subsequent of kin or authorized heirs of the deceased CPLs don’t get an opportunity to pay tribute by means of performing the final rites of their kin, who’ve laid down their lives for the reason for the nation, it mentioned.

The defence minister whereas visiting ahead BRO worksites had witnessed the troublesome working situations of the CPLs.

He was solicitous about their welfare and had directed the BRO to craft applicable welfare measures for them, the assertion mentioned.

These new welfare measures will go a great distance in enabling the bereaved dependents to carry out first rate final rites for his or her family members, it added.

NEW DELHI: The mortal stays of informal labourers of the Border Roads Organisation (BRO) who die at work shall be transported to their houses at authorities expense, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh mentioned on Sunday.

Singh made the announcement in a publish in Hindi on ‘X.

प्रधानमंत्री श्री @narendramodi के नेतृत्व में चल रही सरकार सभी श्रमिकों के कल्याण के प्रति संवेदनशील है। इसको ध्यान में रखते हुए रक्षा मंत्रालय में यह निर्णय लिया गया है कि BRO के प्रोजेक्ट्स के निर्माण कार्य के दौरान, अल्प अवधि के लिए काम करने वाले श्रमिकों की, यदि किसी कारण से…googletag.cmd.push(perform()‘div-gpt-ad-8052921-2’); );
— Rajnath Singh (@rajnathsingh) September 24, 2023
The Defence Ministry in an announcement earlier within the day mentioned Singh has authorised the extension of the power of preservation and transportation of mortal stays, out there for General Reserve Engineer Force (GREF) personnel of the BRO, to casually paid labourers (CPLs).

Singh in his publish mentioned that the federal government below the management of Prime Minister Narendra Modi is “sensitive towards the welfare of all the workers”.

Keeping this in thoughts, it has been determined within the Defence Ministry that if employees engaged on a short-term foundation die as a result of any purpose in the course of the development work of BRO tasks, then their mortal stays shall be safely transported to their houses, Singh wrote within the publish.

Expenses incurred in taking the mortal stays to their houses shall be borne by the federal government. The quantity to be spent on their funerals has additionally been elevated, he added.

“We believe that the importance of those who work hard to build roads at the country’s border and in remote areas adjacent to them is no less than that of a soldier. Therefore this decision has been taken,” he mentioned.

Singh has additionally authorised a rise in funeral expenditure for the CPLs to Rs 10,000 from Rs 1,000, the ministry mentioned within the assertion.

This shall be borne by the federal government within the occasion of the demise of any CPL whereas on authorities bona fide obligation at BRO tasks, whose final rites are being carried out on the worksite, it added.

“The CPLs are employed by the BRO for the construction of roads in forward or border areas. They work hand-in-hand with the BRO personnel in adverse climate and tough working conditions, which sometimes results in casualties,” the assertion mentioned.

Until now, the power of preservation and transportation of mortal stays to the native place at authorities expense was out there just for the GREF personnel. The CPLs working in comparable situations have been disadvantaged of this facility, it added.

In case of their demise, the burden of transportation falls on the bereaved households. Due to a scarcity of economic sources, the household of the deceased are unable to bear the expenditure of airfare and even transportation by highway in most situations.

A bereaved household typically finds it extraordinarily troublesome to afford the funeral and different associated expenditure, the ministry mentioned.

In such circumstances, the subsequent of kin or authorized heirs of the deceased CPLs don’t get an opportunity to pay tribute by means of performing the final rites of their kin, who’ve laid down their lives for the reason for the nation, it mentioned.

The defence minister whereas visiting ahead BRO worksites had witnessed the troublesome working situations of the CPLs.

He was solicitous about their welfare and had directed the BRO to craft applicable welfare measures for them, the assertion mentioned.

These new welfare measures will go a great distance in enabling the bereaved dependents to carry out first rate final rites for his or her family members, it added.