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Man killed in assault on Gurugram mosque, third dying in Haryana violence

3 min read


GURUGRAM: A 26-year-old man was killed and a mosque set ablaze within the Sector 57 space because the violence that erupted over an try to cease a Vishva Hindu Parishad procession in neighbouring Nuh district unfold to Gurugram, police right here mentioned.

The mob opened fireplace during which two individuals had been injured. One of them died throughout remedy, they mentioned. 

The sufferer has been recognized as Saad, a local of Bihar, a senior officer mentioned. 

This is the third dying in wake of the “intense communal tension” that unfold from Nuh.

According to the police, the mob reached the Anjuman Masjid in Sector 57 after midnight. Some individuals within the crowd opened fireplace on the individuals current within the mosque and likewise set it on fireplace.

Two dwelling guards had been killed and at the least 15 others, together with a number of policemen, had been injured on Monday as a mob in Nuh district tried to cease a Vishva Hindu Parishad procession, pelting stones and setting vehicles on fireplace, officers mentioned on Monday.

As information of the violence in Muslim-dominated Nuh unfold, mobs in Sohna set ablaze 4 automobiles and a store, apparently belonging to individuals from that neighborhood.

The state of affairs in Nuh and Sohna continues to be tense. However, there have been no studies of any recent violence on Tuesday.

Police and paramilitary forces have been deployed in giant numbers in Nuh and the opposite affected areas, the police mentioned.

Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Monday mentioned “strictest action” shall be taken in opposition to these chargeable for the incident.

“Today’s incident is unfortunate. I appeal to all the people to maintain peace in the state. The guilty will not be spared at any cost, and strictest action will be taken against them,” the chief minister mentioned in a tweet in Hindi.

GURUGRAM: A 26-year-old man was killed and a mosque set ablaze within the Sector 57 space because the violence that erupted over an try to cease a Vishva Hindu Parishad procession in neighbouring Nuh district unfold to Gurugram, police right here mentioned.

The mob opened fireplace during which two individuals had been injured. One of them died throughout remedy, they mentioned. 

The sufferer has been recognized as Saad, a local of Bihar, a senior officer mentioned. googletag.cmd.push(operate()‘div-gpt-ad-8052921-2’); );

This is the third dying in wake of the “intense communal tension” that unfold from Nuh.

According to the police, the mob reached the Anjuman Masjid in Sector 57 after midnight. Some individuals within the crowd opened fireplace on the individuals current within the mosque and likewise set it on fireplace.

Two dwelling guards had been killed and at the least 15 others, together with a number of policemen, had been injured on Monday as a mob in Nuh district tried to cease a Vishva Hindu Parishad procession, pelting stones and setting vehicles on fireplace, officers mentioned on Monday.

As information of the violence in Muslim-dominated Nuh unfold, mobs in Sohna set ablaze 4 automobiles and a store, apparently belonging to individuals from that neighborhood.

The state of affairs in Nuh and Sohna continues to be tense. However, there have been no studies of any recent violence on Tuesday.

Police and paramilitary forces have been deployed in giant numbers in Nuh and the opposite affected areas, the police mentioned.

Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Monday mentioned “strictest action” shall be taken in opposition to these chargeable for the incident.

“Today’s incident is unfortunate. I appeal to all the people to maintain peace in the state. The guilty will not be spared at any cost, and strictest action will be taken against them,” the chief minister mentioned in a tweet in Hindi.