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Sam Raimi to direct ‘Spider-Man 4’ with Tobey Maguire?

3 min read

By Express News Service

Speculations are rife that filmmaker Sam Raimi, who helmed the Spider-Man trilogy between 2002-2007 with Tobey Maguire essaying Peter Parker/Spider-Man, is gearing up for a fourth Spidey movie with Tobey reprising the function of the web-slinger. 

The newest buzz a few fourth Spider-Man movie from Raimi is stirred by Thomas Haden Church, who appeared because the villainous Sandman in 2007’s Spider-Man 3 and 2021’s Spider-Man: No Way Home, in an interview with the ComicBook. In the interview, Church talked about Raimi directing Maguire for the following instalment, and he additionally expressed to play a personality within the movie, even in a cameo function.

“There’s always been some kind of… I’ve heard rumours…that Sam Raimi was going to do another [Spider-Man movie] with Tobey [Maguire], and if that happens, I would probably campaign to maybe at least do a cameo.” Thomas Haden Church stated. 

It is to be famous that Maguire final donned the Spidey avatar in Marvel’s 2021 movie Spider-Man: No Way Home, the place Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland additionally appeared in the identical character. Meanwhile, Sam Raimi additionally directed Marvel’s 2022’s movie Doctor Strange within the Multiverse of Madness. In a dialog with ComicBook final yr, Raimi additionally expressed his willingness to direct a Spider-Man movie. 

“I’ve come to realize after making Doctor Strange that anything is possible, really anything in the Marvel universe, any team-ups,” Raimi stated.

“I love Tobey. I love Kirsten Dunst. I think all things are possible. I don’t really have a story or a plan. I don’t know if Marvel would be interested in that right now. I don’t know what their thoughts are about that. I haven’t really pursued that. But it sounds beautiful. Even if it wasn’t a Spider-Man movie, I’d love to work with Tobey again in a different role,” he added.

Speculations are rife that filmmaker Sam Raimi, who helmed the Spider-Man trilogy between 2002-2007 with Tobey Maguire essaying Peter Parker/Spider-Man, is gearing up for a fourth Spidey movie with Tobey reprising the function of the web-slinger. 

The newest buzz a few fourth Spider-Man movie from Raimi is stirred by Thomas Haden Church, who appeared because the villainous Sandman in 2007’s Spider-Man 3 and 2021’s Spider-Man: No Way Home, in an interview with the ComicBook. In the interview, Church talked about Raimi directing Maguire for the following instalment, and he additionally expressed to play a personality within the movie, even in a cameo function.

“There’s always been some kind of… I’ve heard rumours…that Sam Raimi was going to do another [Spider-Man movie] with Tobey [Maguire], and if that happens, I would probably campaign to maybe at least do a cameo.” Thomas Haden Church stated. googletag.cmd.push(operate()‘div-gpt-ad-8052921-2’); );

It is to be famous that Maguire final donned the Spidey avatar in Marvel’s 2021 movie Spider-Man: No Way Home, the place Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland additionally appeared in the identical character. Meanwhile, Sam Raimi additionally directed Marvel’s 2022’s movie Doctor Strange within the Multiverse of Madness. In a dialog with ComicBook final yr, Raimi additionally expressed his willingness to direct a Spider-Man movie. 

“I’ve come to realize after making Doctor Strange that anything is possible, really anything in the Marvel universe, any team-ups,” Raimi stated.

“I love Tobey. I love Kirsten Dunst. I think all things are possible. I don’t really have a story or a plan. I don’t know if Marvel would be interested in that right now. I don’t know what their thoughts are about that. I haven’t really pursued that. But it sounds beautiful. Even if it wasn’t a Spider-Man movie, I’d love to work with Tobey again in a different role,” he added.