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Italian forces storm, safe Turkish ship after ‘unlawful migrants’ try hijack

2 min read

By India Today World Desk: Italian particular forces on Friday efficiently regained management of a Turkish ship that had been attacked by armed stowaways, usually migrants, off the southern metropolis of Naples.

The improvement was confirmed by Italy’s protection minister as he addressed a information convention.

Defense Minister Guido Crosetto stated the operation was nonetheless underway and that Italian forces had been securing the security of the 22 crew members aboard the “Galeta Seaways” while rounding up the stowaways.

“An operation is underway on a vessel boarded by pirates. The stowaways had been utilizing what gave the impression to be weapons like daggers to threaten the crew,” Crosetto told reporters.

“The San Marco battalion needed to intervene,” he said.

Meanwhile, a video on social media showed the moment when the Italian special forces intervened to free the hijacked Turkish ship.

For the operation, the special forces lowered themselves onto the Turkish ship from two helicopters, to free crew held by about 15 stowaways, two or three armed with sharp objects, Crosetto said.

The captain had sounded an alarm soon after the stowaways, whose nationality has not been disclosed, had moved to take control of the cargo ship.

“What is understood in regards to the hijackers is that they’re unlawful immigrants. Let’s hope it ends as shortly as attainable with out penalties for anybody,” Crosetto added.

The vessel, designed to hold autos and crusing beneath a Turkish flag with 22 crew members, set off from Topçular in Turkey on June 7 and was headed for Sète in southern France.

Italian customized patrol boats blocked the Turkish ship, whereas the particular forces boarded, Crosetto stated.

Some of the stowaways continued to elude seize, Crosetto stated.