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Christian woman and Muslim gardener arrested in Pakistan over ‘blasphemy’, accused of ‘intentionally’ burning papers with verses of Quran

2 min read

A Christian widow and a Muslim gardener, every illiterate, have been arrested throughout the Pakpattan metropolis of Pakistan on April 19 on blasphemy prices after they’ve been accused of ‘intentionally’ burning papers containing verses of the holy Quran, Friday Times reported. 

On April 15, a 46-year-old Christian widow named Mussarat Bibi and a Muslim gardener named Muhammad Sarmad have been assigned the obligation of cleaning the storeroom of a college, which was full of paper and scrap objects. They gathered the paper and completely different scraps in a nook of the varsity and burned them.

Students later found that the burned objects moreover contained holy pages. Four days later, an space resident named Kashif Nadeem contacted the police and accused the illiterate Christian widow of committing blasphemy by burning pages of the holy Quran on the school, Friday Times reported. 

The complainant moreover gathered a mob exterior the varsity and started protesting in opposition to the incident. However, police reached the scene on time and took the accused into custody to avert any untoward state of affairs. 

The complainant named solely the Christian widow, nonetheless by means of the preliminary investigation, police found the gardener was moreover involved in setting the holy pages on fire, due to this fact police named every people throughout the FIR, Friday Times reported. 

While condemning the incident, minority rights activist Joseph Jansen talked about that the blasphemy authorized pointers are getting used as an excuse to violate people’s rights on a limiteless scale. In spite of their vulnerability, crimes devoted in opposition to ladies and women go unpunished, deterring them from looking for employment and reaching equality with males, he added. 

He talked about that women have been afraid to exit and work on account of the abuse of blasphemy authorized pointers in opposition to religious minority ladies. Knowing that Mussarat is illiterate, innocent, and simply performing her perform as she was alleged to have carried out is obvious proof that blasphemy authorized pointers have been misused, he added.

(This data report is revealed from a syndicated feed. Except for the headline, the content material materials has not been written or edited by OpIndia staff)