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UP Urban Civic Polls: 52 per cent voter turnout recorded in part I 

4 min read

Express News Service

LUCKNOW: The first part of Urban Local Body polls all through 37 districts of Uttar Pradesh handed off peacefully on Thursday. 

According to the figures supplied by the State Election Commission 52 per cent voter turnout was recorded till 5 pm.

In part I polling which could resolve the future of 44,226 candidates for 7592 posts and 10 of the 17 mayoral posts, Shamli in western UP recorded the easiest of 62.41 per cent voter turnout. It was adopted by Maharajganj (62.13%) in japanese UP, Amroha (59.78%) inside the west, Hardoi (59.53%) in central UP and Kushinagar (58.88%) inside the far east.

The lowest voter turnout – 30.32%– was recorded inside the Sangam metropolis of Prayagraj. It was adopted by the state capital Lucknow the place the voters have been busy having enjoyable with the day off and solely 35,42 per cent turned up on the polling cubicles to strong their votes. While the Taj metropolis of Agra recorded 37.21 per cent, the voters in Varanasi, PM Modi’s parliamentary constituency, appeared reluctant in exercising their franchise as solely 38.89 per cent tuned as a lot as prepare their correct. 

The voters in CM Yogi Adityanath’s bastion of Gorakhpur moreover did not current rather a lot enthusiasm and solely 40.15 per cent voting was recorded there.

For 10 of the 17 mayoral posts, the future of 113 candidates was sealed inside the EVMs on Thursday whereas for 820 corporators, 5,432 candidates are inside the fray.

The voting took place amid tight security preparations with the deployment of further forces in Prayagraj, following the killing of mafia-turned-politician Atiq Ahmed and his brother Ashraf in police custody. CCTVs have been moreover put in at 67 most delicate places all through Prayagraj.

Special Director General, Law and Order, Prashant Kumar talked about the polling handed off peacefully inside the state and there was “no report” of any untoward incident from wherever. Wherever there have been experiences of points in EVMs, they’ve been modified, he talked about.

However, minor skirmishes have been reported from Amroha the place some autos have been damaged by the supporters of the BSP and BJP candidates.  In Bijnor, two rival occasions acquired right here face-to-face over polling nonetheless police intervened and pacified the warring factions. Likewise, at a polling gross sales area in Lucknow, workers of BJP and SP indulged in a verbal duel.

A sub-divisional Justice of the Peace died on account of cardiac arrest whereas on election obligation at Jyoti Khudia polling station, a report talked about.

The second part could be held on May 11. The counting of votes could be carried out on May 13.

LUCKNOW: The first part of Urban Local Body polls all through 37 districts of Uttar Pradesh handed off peacefully on Thursday. 

According to the figures supplied by the State Election Commission 52 per cent voter turnout was recorded till 5 pm.

In part I polling which could resolve the future of 44,226 candidates for 7592 posts and 10 of the 17 mayoral posts, Shamli in western UP recorded the easiest of 62.41 per cent voter turnout. It was adopted by Maharajganj (62.13%) in japanese UP, Amroha (59.78%) inside the west, Hardoi (59.53%) in central UP and Kushinagar (58.88%) inside the far east.googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.present(‘div-gpt-ad-8052921-2’); );

The lowest voter turnout – 30.32%– was recorded inside the Sangam metropolis of Prayagraj. It was adopted by the state capital Lucknow the place the voters have been busy having enjoyable with the day off and solely 35,42 per cent turned up on the polling cubicles to strong their votes. While the Taj metropolis of Agra recorded 37.21 per cent, the voters in Varanasi, PM Modi’s parliamentary constituency, appeared reluctant in exercising their franchise as solely 38.89 per cent tuned as a lot as prepare their correct. 

The voters in CM Yogi Adityanath’s bastion of Gorakhpur moreover did not current rather a lot enthusiasm and solely 40.15 per cent voting was recorded there.

For 10 of the 17 mayoral posts, the future of 113 candidates was sealed inside the EVMs on Thursday whereas for 820 corporators, 5,432 candidates are inside the fray.

The voting took place amid tight security preparations with the deployment of further forces in Prayagraj, following the killing of mafia-turned-politician Atiq Ahmed and his brother Ashraf in police custody. CCTVs have been moreover put in at 67 most delicate places all through Prayagraj.

Special Director General, Law and Order, Prashant Kumar talked about the polling handed off peacefully inside the state and there was “no report” of any untoward incident from wherever. Wherever there have been experiences of points in EVMs, they’ve been modified, he talked about.

However, minor skirmishes have been reported from Amroha the place some autos have been damaged by the supporters of the BSP and BJP candidates.  In Bijnor, two rival occasions acquired right here face-to-face over polling nonetheless police intervened and pacified the warring factions. Likewise, at a polling gross sales area in Lucknow, workers of BJP and SP indulged in a verbal duel.

A sub-divisional Justice of the Peace died on account of cardiac arrest whereas on election obligation at Jyoti Khudia polling station, a report talked about.

The second part could be held on May 11. The counting of votes could be carried out on May 13.