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Maneka Gandhi journeys whereas campaigning in UP’s Sultanpur, suffers minor accidents

2 min read


SULTANPUR: Former Union minister Maneka Gandhi slipped and fell on a rain-drenched freeway and suffered minor accidents whereas campaigning for the upcoming civic physique elections proper right here, officers talked about on Tuesday.

The incident occurred on Monday, the first day of Gandhi’s advertising marketing campaign in help of BJP candidates in her constituency.

Gandhi had arrived at Ghasiganj ward to advertising marketing campaign for the chairperson candidate, Praveen Agrawal, and the corporator candidate in Sultanpur Nagar Panchayat.

When she alighted from her automotive and started strolling, she slipped on a freeway that was moist ensuing from rainfall.

She suffered minor accidents throughout the incident, officers talked about.

The metropolis had witnessed hailstorm along with heavy rainfall on Monday.

Civic physique elections in Uttar Pradesh could be held in two phases on May 4 and May 11.

The counting of votes could be carried out on May 13.

SULTANPUR: Former Union minister Maneka Gandhi slipped and fell on a rain-drenched freeway and suffered minor accidents whereas campaigning for the upcoming civic physique elections proper right here, officers talked about on Tuesday.

The incident occurred on Monday, the first day of Gandhi’s advertising marketing campaign in help of BJP candidates in her constituency.

Gandhi had arrived at Ghasiganj ward to advertising marketing campaign for the chairperson candidate, Praveen Agrawal, and the corporator candidate in Sultanpur Nagar Panchayat.googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.present(‘div-gpt-ad-8052921-2’); );

When she alighted from her automotive and started strolling, she slipped on a freeway that was moist ensuing from rainfall.

She suffered minor accidents throughout the incident, officers talked about.

The metropolis had witnessed hailstorm along with heavy rainfall on Monday.

Civic physique elections in Uttar Pradesh could be held in two phases on May 4 and May 11.

The counting of votes could be carried out on May 13.