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Opposition reacts to Satya Pal Malik’s claims on Pulwama assault; ‘incompetence’ of Modi govt slammed

3 min read

By Online Desk

Former Congress president Rahul Gandhi on Saturday reacted to former Jammu and Kashmir governor Satya Pal Malik’s declare that the Pulwama terror assault of February 2019, which value the lives of 40 troopers, was a outcomes of the Narendra Modi authorities’s “incompetence” and an unlimited intelligence failure.

Sharing interview carried by The Wire,  Rahul Gandhi wrote on Twitter what Malik had said in his interview: “The Prime Minister does not hate corruption very much.”

₹20,000 करोड़ किसके हैं – इस सवाल का जवाब देने से प्रधानमंत्री जी इतना डरते क्यों हैं?

— Rahul Gandhi (@RahulGandhi) April 15, 2023

Rahul moreover posted footage of the interview on Twitter.

The Congress celebration, on its official Twitter net web page, repeated the allegations made by Malik, and accused Modi of “suppressing” the incident to “save” his non-public image ahead of the 2019 regular elections.

“@narendramodi Ji, the Pulwama attack and the martyrdom of 40 brave hearts is because of the mistake of your government. If our jawans had got the aircraft, the terrorist plot would have failed. You had to take action for this mistake and you not only suppressed this matter but also started saving your image. The country is shocked to hear Satyapal Malik’s statement on Pulwama,” the publish said in Hindi.

Shiv Sena (Uddhav Balasaheb Thackeray) chief Sanjay Raut reportedly said that whereas Malik had launched out the “explosive truth about Pulwama,” he recognized that opposition leaders who had requested these questions throughout the aftermath of the assault “had been silenced by the ruling BJP” and have been dubbed as “traitors” and “speaking in the voice of Pakistan.”

The president of the Congress’ celebration’s youth wing, BV Srinivas, highlighted the silence of “nationalist Indian media channels” on holding prime-time debate on Malik’s revelations.

Former Congress president Rahul Gandhi on Saturday reacted to former Jammu and Kashmir governor Satya Pal Malik’s declare that the Pulwama terror assault of February 2019, which value the lives of 40 troopers, was a outcomes of the Narendra Modi authorities’s “incompetence” and an unlimited intelligence failure.

Sharing interview carried by The Wire,  Rahul Gandhi wrote on Twitter what Malik had said in his interview: “The Prime Minister does not hate corruption very much.”

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₹20,000 करोड़ किसके हैं – इस सवाल का जवाब देने से प्रधानमंत्री जी इतना डरते क्यों हैं?
— Rahul Gandhi (@RahulGandhi) April 15, 2023
Rahul moreover posted footage of the interview on Twitter.

The Congress celebration, on its official Twitter net web page, repeated the allegations made by Malik, and accused Modi of “suppressing” the incident to “save” his non-public image ahead of the 2019 regular elections.

“@narendramodi Ji, the Pulwama attack and the martyrdom of 40 brave hearts is because of the mistake of your government. If our jawans had got the aircraft, the terrorist plot would have failed. You had to take action for this mistake and you not only suppressed this matter but also started saving your image. The country is shocked to hear Satyapal Malik’s statement on Pulwama,” the publish said in Hindi.

Shiv Sena (Uddhav Balasaheb Thackeray) chief Sanjay Raut reportedly said that whereas Malik had launched out the “explosive truth about Pulwama,” he recognized that opposition leaders who had requested these questions throughout the aftermath of the assault “had been silenced by the ruling BJP” and have been dubbed as “traitors” and “speaking in the voice of Pakistan.”

The president of the Congress’ celebration’s youth wing, BV Srinivas, highlighted the silence of “nationalist Indian media channels” on holding prime-time debate on Malik’s revelations.