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‘Was holed up in basement room as combating raged exterior’: Indian rescued from Sudan

4 min read


HAMIRPUR: There was fastened bombing and gunfire as a result of the Sudanese navy and a paramilitary drive engaged on the streets of Khartoum, recalled Deepak Agnihotri, who along with seven others, was holed up in a basement room sooner than getting a chance to flee the strife-torn nation.

The battle inside the north African nation broke out spherical mid-April and India has evacuated over 1,950 of its residents and is making an attempt to rescue further.

“We were in touch with the Indian embassy and when we got clearance to move, we drove to Port Sudan,” talked about the 26-year-old, an area of Himachal Pradesh’s Hamirpur who reached India on Thursday.

From there, “on a boat arranged by our employer, we reached Jeddah (in Saudi Arabia)”, talked about Agnihotri, who was working for an IT company in Sudan since 2019.

India on Sunday launched home 229 of us beneath ‘Operation Kaveri’ to evacuate stranded Indians from Sudan.

On Saturday, 365 of us had arrived, 754 on Friday, 246 on Thursday and the first batch of 360 evacuees reached Delhi on Wednesday.

EXPLAINER | What sparked the violent battle to manage Sudan’s future?

Agnihotri suggested reporters proper right here, “We were in our apartments as the conflict broke out. But as supplies were dwindling, we moved to a room in the basement of our building with whatever we had. We had just enough water and gas to cook food to survive,” he talked about and added that after authorities gave the clearance, “we moved to Port Sudan”.

He talked about after reaching Jeddah, he and others boarded an Indian Air Force transport airplane and returned home.

“I thank the Indian government for bringing us back home safely,” Agnihotri talked about “My wife returned to India on March 31 as the situation was getting tense,” he talked about and added that the scenario is worsening inside the African nation.

Sudan has been witnessing deadly combating between the nation’s navy and a paramilitary group for the ultimate 15 days.

Under ‘Operation Kaveri’, India is taking the evacuees to Jeddah from the place they’re returning home.

India has organize a transit facility inside the Saudi Arabian metropolis and Union Minister of State for External Affairs V Muraleedharan is overseeing the evacuation mission.

ALSO READ | Globetrotter from Kerala finds himself bang within the midst of Sudan’s civil battle, says no regrets

HAMIRPUR: There was fastened bombing and gunfire as a result of the Sudanese navy and a paramilitary drive engaged on the streets of Khartoum, recalled Deepak Agnihotri, who along with seven others, was holed up in a basement room sooner than getting a chance to flee the strife-torn nation.

The battle inside the north African nation broke out spherical mid-April and India has evacuated over 1,950 of its residents and is making an attempt to rescue further.

“We were in touch with the Indian embassy and when we got clearance to move, we drove to Port Sudan,” talked about the 26-year-old, an area of Himachal Pradesh’s Hamirpur who reached India on Thursday.googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.present(‘div-gpt-ad-8052921-2’); );

From there, “on a boat arranged by our employer, we reached Jeddah (in Saudi Arabia)”, talked about Agnihotri, who was working for an IT company in Sudan since 2019.

India on Sunday launched home 229 of us beneath ‘Operation Kaveri’ to evacuate stranded Indians from Sudan.

On Saturday, 365 of us had arrived, 754 on Friday, 246 on Thursday and the first batch of 360 evacuees reached Delhi on Wednesday.

EXPLAINER | What sparked the violent battle to manage Sudan’s future?

Agnihotri suggested reporters proper right here, “We were in our apartments as the conflict broke out. But as supplies were dwindling, we moved to a room in the basement of our building with whatever we had. We had just enough water and gas to cook food to survive,” he talked about and added that after authorities gave the clearance, “we moved to Port Sudan”.

He talked about after reaching Jeddah, he and others boarded an Indian Air Force transport airplane and returned home.

“I thank the Indian government for bringing us back home safely,” Agnihotri talked about “My wife returned to India on March 31 as the situation was getting tense,” he talked about and added that the scenario is worsening inside the African nation.

Sudan has been witnessing deadly combating between the nation’s navy and a paramilitary group for the ultimate 15 days.

Under ‘Operation Kaveri’, India is taking the evacuees to Jeddah from the place they’re returning home.

India has organize a transit facility inside the Saudi Arabian metropolis and Union Minister of State for External Affairs V Muraleedharan is overseeing the evacuation mission.

ALSO READ | Globetrotter from Kerala finds himself bang within the midst of Sudan’s civil battle, says no regrets