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Mamata Banerjee making an attempt to politicise vaccination drive: Vijayvargiya on allegations of much less vaccines despatched to Bengal

2 min read

BJP nationwide basic secretary Kailash Vijayvargiya on Saturday slammed West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee for her allegations of fewer vaccines being despatched to the state and accused her of making an attempt to politicise the vaccination programme forward of the meeting polls.
Banerjee through the day expressed her dissatisfaction over “inadequate” variety of COVID-19 vaccines provided to West Bengal for the inoculation course of.

“She should stop politicising everything. None of the states has complained only she is complaining about it. She is trying to politicise the issue before the assembly polls,” Vijayvargiya instructed PTI.
Polls to 294-member Bengal meeting are due in April-May this yr.
He requested Banerjee to come back clear on whether or not the state or the centre is offering the vaccines totally free of value.
“She earlier said that she will provide vaccines free of cost. The centre has already said that it would provide the vaccines for free but the TMC government jumped into it to claim credit,” he mentioned.
When requested about Banerjee’s allegations of fewer vaccines being despatched to the state, he trashed it as baseless.
“The allegations are baseless. If the number of vaccines is falling short it is because of the TMC leaders and MLAs are queueing up to have it,” he quipped.
Expressing her dissatisfaction over the insufficient variety of COVID-19 vaccines provided to West Bengal for the inoculation course of, Banerjee mentioned that her authorities, if wanted, would provide the vaccines freed from value to the folks of the state.

Banerjee mentioned that she has already “requested the central government to supply adequate numbers of vaccines for not only the frontline workers but also for all the people of West Bengal”.
Two Trinamool Congress MLAs – Rabindranath Chatterjee and Subhas Mondal, took the vaccine doses in Purbo Bardhaman district Saturday triggering a political row.
Authorities of the 2 state hospitals, the place the vaccinations happened, nevertheless, insisted each legislators have been members of the Patient Welfare Committees and figured within the chosen record adhering to all choice procedures and no guidelines have been violated.