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BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir in Melbourne vandalised by Khalistanis

4 min read

On January 12 (native time), the Hindu group residing in Melbourne woke as much as a shock because the BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir, situated within the northern suburb of Mill Park, Melbourne, was vandalised by Khalistani attackers. The partitions of the temple have been defaced by spray portray anti-India and anti-Narendra Modi slogans.

As per a report by Australia Today, a devotee recognized as Patel witnessed the vandalism when went to the temple like he does every single day. On Thursday, when he reached the temple within the morning, he noticed the partitions defaced with graffiti allegedly made by Khalistanis. As per pictures printed within the experiences, slogans reminiscent of “Hindu-stan Murdabad”, “Modi Hitler” have been written on the outer partitions of the temple.

Furthermore, Khalistanis additionally painted praises of Khalistani terrorist Bhindranwale on the wall and known as him a ‘Martyr’. The textual content ‘Sant Bhindranwale is Martyr’ was written in a single place, leaving little question that the temple was vandalised by Khalistanis.

In an announcement to Australia Today, Patel mentioned, “I am angry, scared and dismayed by the blatant display of religious hatred towards the peaceful Hindu community by Khalistan supporters.”

BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir mentioned that they’ve knowledgeable the authorities relating to the incident.

In an announcement, the BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir administration mentioned, “We are deeply saddened and shocked by these acts of vandalism and hate. BAPS has always been committed to peaceful coexistence and dialogue with all faiths and peoples. We have apprised the authorities and are cooperating fully with them. We offer our prayers for peace and harmony and will provide a fuller statement in due course.”


Australia: A Hindu temple, BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir was desecrated allegedly by Khalistani components in Melbourne

— TIMES NOW (@TimesNow) January 12, 2023

In an announcement, Markand Bhagwant, President of the Hindu Council of Australia’s Victoria, mentioned, “Any kind of hatred and vandalism against places of worship is not acceptable, and we condemn it. And this kind of activity is in violation of the racial and religious tolerance act of victoria. We demand Victoria Police and Premier Dan Andrews to take strong action against the perpetrators.” He additional added that his group would elevate the matter with the Victorian Multicultural Commission and the Multicultural Minister of Victoria, because the dying threats to Hindus are a critical matter.

In an announcement, Liberal MP of the Northern Metropolitan Region, Evan Mulholland, mentioned, “This vandalism is deeply distressing for Victoria’s peaceful Hindu community, especially at this holy time. Religious hatred of this kind has no place in Victoria.”

Member of Mill Park and Minister within the Victorian Government, Lily D’Amnrosio, mentioned, “there is no place for such attacks in our community” She mentioned, “I have reached out to the Mill Park Mandir today to express my concern with the attack on the temple. The Mandir is a very important site for worship across broader Melbourne and is used to host many events that grow a better understanding of the rich diversity of our community amongst all of us. I have visited on many occasions and hope that the appropriate authorities can identify those responsibly and bring them to account.”

India Today quoted a journalist Amit Sarwal saying, “The Hindu community in Melbourne has lodged a formal complaint with the police and MPs. The cultural minister also belongs to the same place where the incident took place. This has been going on since last year. The Kerala Hindu association has also condemned the incident. There were messages against Prime Minister Narendra Modi painted on the walls of the temple. Several Indian and Sikh leaders are distressed by this whole incident.”

Vishva Hindu Parishad’s Australia chapter has additionally condemned the assault. The assertion learn, “Such hate crimes by divisive anti-social Hindu phobic extremists against the Hindu community threaten to disrupt peace in our society and raise questions about whether enough is being done to address the alarming rise in anti-Hindu attacks by governments.”

BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha Australia issued an announcement and appealed for peace. The assertion learn, “Appeal for peace, Mill Park, Melbourne, Australia

We are deeply saddened by the anti-India graffiti on the gates of the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in Mill Park, Melbourne, Australia, by anti-social components. Like all temples of BAPS worldwide, the BAPS temple in Mill Park is an abode of peace, concord, equality, selfless service, and common Hindu values.

At this time, His Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj, the religious chief of the BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha, has prayed for peace and unity and has appealed to all devotees and well-wishers to take care of peace.

We are grateful to the suitable authorities, together with the governments of Australia and India, in addition to local people organisations, for his or her continued help. BAPS Mandirs throughout Australia are symbols of a thriving multicultural society which nurtures Australian values of respect, mateship and tolerance.

Let us all take part worldwide prayers, in personal and at house, that God blesses and guides us all to proceed to do good and suppose good of all.“

The attackers additionally made a video of the assault and printed it on social media. They known as it a courageous act.

Source: Twitter

Notably, in September final yr, BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir in Canada was additionally attacked by Khalistanis. India strongly condemned the assault and known as for strict motion towards the accused.