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A take a look at all of the US Presidents who’ve been impeached thus far

3 min read

The US House of Representatives voted on Wednesday to make Donald Trump the primary US President ever to be impeached twice, formally charging him for inciting an riot only a week after an armed an offended mob of his supporters stormed the Capitol. 
The House voted 232 to 197 to question Trump, merely days away from President-elect Joe Biden’s formal inauguration. Ten Republicans, together with the House’s third senior-most conservative chief Liz Cheney, joined the Democrats in voting for Trump’s impeachment. 
While Trump is the primary US President to be impeached twice, he’s most definitely not the primary to face impeachment proceedings within the nation’s historical past.
Here is a listing of US Presidents who’ve been impeached thus far
Andrew Johnson
Former President Andrew Johnson (Photo courtesy: Library of Congress)
The seventeenth President of the United States, Democrat Andrew Johnson, was the primary to be impeached within the nation’s historical past. In March 1868, the Republican-majority home voted in favour of impeaching Johnson for “high crimes and misdemeanours”. 
He was accused of violating the Tenure of Office Act, which made it nearly inconceivable for the president to dismiss authorities officers with out the Senate’s permission. But Johnson defied the act by suspending the then-Secretary of War Edwin M Stanton — a transfer that infuriated the Republicans. 
He was impeached by the House on March 2, 1868 and his trial within the Senate started simply three days later. However, after the movement failed to fulfill the two-thirds majority by only one vote, Johnson was acquitted. 
Bill Clinton 
Former US President Bill Clinton (AP Photo/Seth Wenig, File)
Former US President Bill Clinton was impeached by the House on October 9, 1998 for “high crimes and misdemeanours” on costs of mendacity underneath oath and obstruction of justice. 
The allegations have been in reference to a lawsuit filed by civil servant Paula Jones in 1994, by which she alleged that he had sexually harassed her, in addition to from his testimony, by which he infamously denied that he had an affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. 
When the trial reached the senate the next 12 months, it fell wanting the two-thirds majority of votes, and he was in the end acquitted. He remained president till the top of his second time period. 
Donald Trump
Trump was first impeached by the House in December 2019 on costs of abuse of energy and obstruction of Congress over his dealings with Ukraine, however was acquitted by the then-Republican-led Senate the next 12 months. 
Democrats first launched an inquiry in September 2019 to look into whether or not President Trump abused his workplace for political achieve when he requested Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy to analyze former Vice-President Joe Biden. Trump denied all wrongdoing and claimed that he was the sufferer of a Democrat-led witch hunt. 
On Wednesday, he was impeached by the House for a second time, per week after the siege on Capitol Hill. He was charged with “incitement of insurrection”, simply days earlier than President-elect Biden’s inauguration. 
Soon after the proceedings, Trump launched a video condemning final week’s violence, however pointedly didn’t acknowledge his newest impeachment. 
“Violence and vandalism have absolutely no place in our country and no place in our movement,” he mentioned. “The incursion of the US Capitol struck at the very heart of our Republic. It angered and appalled millions of Americans across the political spectrum. I want to be very clear. I unequivocally condemn the violence that we saw last week.” 
Richard Nixon 
President Richard Nixon (in pic) was pardoned in 1974 by his successor Gerald Ford, who argued that the nation mustn’t should witness a former President being prosecuted in federal courtroom. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
In the face of near-certain impeachment proceedings following the Watergate scandal, Richard Nixon turned the primary President in US historical past to resign from workplace on August 8, 1984.
After Nixon resigned, Gerald Ford — who was then serving as his Vice-President — ascended to the presidency and granted him a controversial pardon for his function within the scandal, by which a bunch of males tied to his re-election marketing campaign broke into the Democratic headquarters in Washington DC’s Watergate complicated.