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20,000 nationwide guards with deadly weapons being deployed in Washington DC

2 min read

Image Source : AP US President-elect Joe Biden
The Pentagon is deploying 20,000 National Guards with deadly weapons right here, per week forward of the inauguration, to forestall any violence as skilled on January 6, with intelligence businesses receiving details about transfer to create violence and chaos throughout the nation. As many as 15,000 have already been deployed in and across the Capitol Hill and one other 5,000 can be added across the January 20 inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden. This is now twice the variety of American troops in Afghanistan and Iraq mixed.
As US House of Representatives began the impeachment proceedings in opposition to Trump, safety was tightened in and across the Capitol Hill.
Not solely steel detectors have been put in, but in addition eight-feet excessive steel partitions have been erected in a single day across the Capitol Hill.
“There are significantly more US troops currently deployed on Capitol Hill than in Afghanistan and Iraq combined, a staggering statistic that underscores just how massive the security presence already is,” CNN stated reflecting on the gravity of the scenario within the nation.
“I think you can except to see somewhere upwards beyond 20,000 members of the National Guard that will be here in the footprint of the District of Columbia,” performing DC police chief Robert J. Contee III informed reporters at a information convention right here.

Guardsmen, who’re accountable for safety across the Capitol constructing complicated, have been armed with deadly weapons, the Politico reported.
Major information retailers on Wednesday flashed photos of guardsman contained in the US Capitol guarding the temple of democracy, a situation that was undreamt of earlier than January 6, when hundreds of supporters of Trump stormed the constructing and disrupted the constitutional means of counting and certification of electoral school votes.
Officials are bracing for uncertainty and getting ready for the potential of violence within the days forward, The New York Times reported.
“About 16 groups have registered to stage protests and officials said that law enforcement agencies were preparing for the possibility of armed conflict,” the day by day reported.
National Guard Bureau Chief Gen. Daniel Hokanson informed reporter that the troops “are authorized to do law enforcement if that’s requested from the supporting agency.” 
ALSO READ | US House impeaches Donald Trump for ‘incitement of riot’ at Capitol
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