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Ukraine slaps sanctions on senior clerics in pro-Moscow church

2 min read

Ten senior clerics related to a pro-Moscow church are being sanctioned by Ukraine as they agreed to work with the Russian occupation authorities or supported Moscow’s invasion.

Kyiv,UPDATED: Dec 4, 2022 08:18 IST

Ukrainian regulation enforcement officers examine considered one of church buildings of the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra monastery, amid Russia’s assault on Ukraine, in Kyiv (Photo: Reuters)

By Reuters: Ukraine is slapping sanctions on 10 senior clerics linked to a pro-Moscow church on the grounds they agreed to work with Russian occupation authorities or justified Moscow’s invasion, the safety service mentioned on Saturday.

The announcement is the most recent in a sequence of steps in opposition to a Ukrainian department of the Orthodox Church linked traditionally to Moscow. The Orthodox Church in Russia itself backs the conflict.

In a press release, the safety providers mentioned the ten clerics had variously agreed to cooperate with occupation authorities, promoted pro-Russian narratives and justified Russian army aggression in Ukraine.

Most of the clerics – all both members of the church or intently linked to it – stay in territories managed by Russia or are overseas, the service mentioned.

“The Security Service of Ukraine continues to carry out comprehensive work on the protection of Ukrainian statehood and will continue to expose persons who threaten the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine,” it mentioned.

The Ukrainian department formally severed ties with the Russian Orthodox Church final May, however continues to be mistrusted by many Ukrainians and accused of secret co-operation with Russia.

The sanctions, which final for 5 years, will freeze the property of these on the record, block them from exporting capital from Ukraine and forestall them from proudly owning land.

The safety service has additionally carried out a number of raids on parishes and buildings linked to the church, which says it has at all times adopted Ukrainian legal guidelines.

Orthodox Christians make up nearly all of Ukraine’s 43 million individuals. Since the collapse of Soviet rule, competitors has been fierce between the Moscow-linked church and an unbiased Ukrainian church proclaimed quickly after independence.

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Published On:

Dec 4, 2022